After the establishment of the Korean Government in 1945, we were busy building up library collections, especially expanding the quantity of books. As a result, nowadays we witness the problem of limited space to keep the books. Space is one of the most important factors in the environment of library materials preservation. To solve this problem, we have to establish many levels of deposit library. The deposit library functions to preserve library materials. Preservation is defined as 'preservation', 'conservation' and 'restoration'. Deposit library was not for circulation that established in the Korea Dynasty, was succeeded by the branch libraries for Historical Deposit Libraries and branch library of Kanghwa magistracy of Kyujang-gak(규장각) in the Chosun Dynasty.This study is to analyze the establishment, the activities and functions of the branch library of Kyujang-gak at Kanghwa Magistracy as a deposit library. Hence this study provides valuable information for future research of the history of deposit libraries in Korea.
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Banks, Preservation of Library Materials Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science,
Mich le Valerie Cloonan, (1994.가을) 자료의 보존,