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Human Knowledge Structure Analysis for Designing Ontologies:Using Library and Information Science Field

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2005, v.36 no.1, pp.459-477


The purpose of this study is to investigate a fundamental model for categories and relationships among concepts in library and information science field in order to construct an ontology based upon the knowledge construct of human being. Questionnaire and interview were involved for this study. The results shows that students' knowledge structure was different from KDC and DDC schemes. Students had an object oriented knowledge structure and provided four relationship models. These model could provide a fundamental data for ontology construction. Also, it shows that student academic grades influenced their knowledge structures.

Knowledge Structure, Ontologies, Library And Information Science, Concept Categories, Interview, Knowledge Structure, Ontologies, Library And Information Science, Concept Categories, Interview, 지식구조, 온톨로지, 문헌정보학, 개념 범주, 면담법

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society