The purpose of this study is to analyze the reading events in the public libraries, and to present the development methods on the reading events like these: 1. making the wholly responsible post for reading development, 2. planning various events such as the week for reading, the month for reading every season, 3. planning various events for users of libraries, 4. giving the reading development work to the librarian with the teacher librarian certificate, 5. preparing the multipurpose room like the audio-visual room for the reading development, 6. PR through a cyber space and the like for the reading development, 7. cooperating with the related organizations, 8. increasing the budget for the reading development.
격몽요결 독서장에서 “凡讀書者 必端拱危坐 敬對方冊 專心致志 精思涵泳(涵泳者 熟讀深思之謂) 深解義趣 而每句 必求踐履之方 若口讀而心不體 身不行 則書自書 我自我 何益之有”,
공사창립 특집 KBS 스페셜, TV책을 말하다, 1부 그들은 책을 읽었다.(2002. 3 .3 방영) 중에서,
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네이버 국어사전 홈페이지,
녹양도서관 홉페이지,
성남도서관 홈페이지,
정독도서관 홈페이지,
한밭도서관 홈페이지,
nyo0317/1274의 블로그,