The number of public libraries is not good enough in Korea. The main reasons why there are not many libraries are: the lack of people's recognition of necessity and importance of public libraries, stingy investment by the central and local governments for building public libraries, and no policy on effective building of public libraries. Now, there should be a policy on building and operating small-size public libraries that the developed country adopts. Redevelopment of local areas and reconstruction of old apartment complex are the best chance of building small-size libraries in those areas. The apartment complex in which this study took place is going to be reconstructed in the near future. A small-size library can be built with a district office and a post-office as a multi-complex building. Building a small-size library with public institutions or business buildings in the place of redevelopment of local areas and reconstruction of old apartment complex is one of the best solution of solving the lack of public libraries in Korea.
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