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A Study of Partnerships Appeared in the Middle School Library Programs

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2009, v.40 no.1, pp.363-384


School library programs are a specific strategy connecting user to resources. Accordingly in order to strengthen school libraries, it is necessary for teacher librarians to develop partnerships that can form relationships between internal and external resources. As a result of analyses of partnerships appeared in current middle school library programs, its most programs are based on the internal reading events. In addition to, classroom teachers and external human resources rarely participate in the program. To improve these problems, it is essential to develop teacher librarians' leadership and collaborative networks fostering educational presence of school libraries in a learning community.

Middle School Library, Teacher Librarian, Partnership, Learning Community, Cooperative Network, School Library Program, Digital Library System, 중학교도서관, 사서교사, 파트너십, 학습 공동체, 협력 네트워크, 학교도서관 프로그램, DLS, Middle School Library, Teacher Librarian, Partnership, Learning Community, Cooperative Network, School Library Program, Digital Library System



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society