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Analytical Study on the Index Terms in the Theological Journals

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2009, v.40 no.3, pp.137-156


This study has analyzed the uncontrolled index terms in the theological journal, which were assigned by the authors and the LCSH subject headings in their form and meaning, compared to the standards of index terms and proposed much more sophisticated indexing system. In the uncontrolled index terms, noun phrases and compound terms are analyzed, this study found that indexers have to have theological knowledge and indexing techniques in order to assign more precise index terms. In the LCSH, unnecessary index terms and parenthetical qualifiers were analyzed. As a result of it, this study identified that the problems of inconsistency and errors raised from the basic index structure of LCSH.

색인시스템, 비통제색인어, 통제색인어, 신학학술지, 신학용어, LCSH, Indexing System, Uncontrolled Index Terms, Controlled Index Terms, Theological Journals, Theological Terms, LCSH, Indexing System, Uncontrolled Index Terms, Controlled Index Terms, Theological Journals, Theological Terms, LCSH



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society