Colophon means an element to describe bibliographic information of the concerned books on the specific space like a back of title page or the last page of a book, and is used as a useful information source when cataloging in a library. Imprint means an element to describe publication information to a title page or verso of a title page of a book. In addition, institutionally required elements to describe on a book are an author, a publisher, a date of publication, a publishing company, ISBN, and a price when printing publications. The bibliographic elements to describe on colophon are a title, an author, a place of publication, a publisher, the date of publication, a place of printing, a printer, the date of printing, edition, impression, the address and contact point of a publisher, a price, ISBN, a copyright, CIP, and the profile of an author, etc. The necessary bibliographic elements according to the development of publishing technology and changes of publishing environments are additionally described in this colophon.
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