Gwang-Kuk Wonjong Gongsin-Nokgwon(光國原從功臣錄券) is a book which recorded the titles of position and the names of retainers who corrected the Chosun dynasty's genealogy. This study aims to research into existing 4 books of Gwang-Kuk Wonjong Gongsin-Nokgwon, which were to analyze the reasons of grant, structure and forms, the characteristics of meritorious retainers' official positions and social status. As the result, Gwang-Kuk Wonjong Gongsin-Nokgwon is the metal typologic book which was made up Jaeju-Gapin(再鑄甲寅) letter type. The structure of the Gwang-Kuk Wonjong Gongsin-Nokgwon was composed of the beginning(卷首)․the body(本文)․the end(卷末). Gwang-Kuk Wonjong meritorious retainers formed the total of 872 persons(1st grade: 137 persons, 2nd grade: 136 persons, 3rd grade: 599 persons) with 354 official titles. Also an analysis of their social status confirmed that 872 persons were “Yang-ban(兩班)" which constituted the largest group(748 persons : 85.8%), “Jung-in(中人)" were second group(103 persons : 11.8%), “Yang-in(良人)" were 13 persons(1.5%) and “Chun-in(賤人)” were 8 persons(0.9%).
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