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A Study on Junior High School Students' Perception of the Educational Impact of School Libraries

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2011, v.42 no.1, pp.125-144


In order to investigate school libraries' educational impact, two different surveys were conducted. One examined students' school library use in general, including the frequency, purpose, and effect of their library use, and the relative importance of the library in their campus life. The other examined and analyzed their perception of the benefit of the school library to determine if any differences exist among the following three levels: 1) libraries staffed with a dedicated teacher librarian, 2) libraries without a dedicated teacher librarian but active, and 3) libraries without a dedicated teacher librarian and inactive. The questionnaire to survey student's perception had 38 statements. The surveys on student's library use and their perceptions indicated that school libraries benefit the students' reading activities the most. The overall mean of the perception was 3.24(in 5 scales). There were distinct differences among the three levels of school library conditions: the mean for libraries with a teacher librarian scored highest at 3.37, libraries without a teacher librarian but active scored second highest at 3.20, and libraries without a teacher librarian and inactive scored lowest at 3.16. The levels of school library condition suggested direct links to the educational effect on students' achievements.

Benefits of School Library, Educational Effectiveness of School Library, Student's Perception, Impact of Teacher Librarian, Junior High School, 학교도서관의 유익성, 학교도서관의 교육적 효과, 효과 인지도, 사서교사의 효과, 중학교도서관, Benefits of School Library, Educational Effectiveness of School Library, Student's Perception, Impact of Teacher Librarian, Junior High School



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society