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A Study on the Development of a Mobile Library Model for Universities

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2011, v.42 no.2, pp.299-322


The study aims to develop a mobile library model for universities that can be adapted to offer suitable library information and services to smart phone users. To do this, we conducted a case study using four foreign and domestic mobile libraries as well as a user study with 212 participants and questionnaires. In addition, we also administered a survey with 160 librarians. Based on the results of case and user/librarian studies, we proposed a mobile library model in which an access and navigation methods are described and nine key information and services including catalog search, code reader and SNS services are proposed.

Mobile Libraries, University Library, Application, Smartphones, 스마트폰, 모바일 도서관, 이용자, 사서



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society