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Developing Strategies for a Cooperative Repository Library at a Regional Level - the Case of Busan Metropolitan City -

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2013, v.44 no.2, pp.167-195


According to the Korean Library Act, a regional representative library is fully responsible for the integrated management of all collections held by local libraries. It intends to resolve space problem for collections and to prepare room for new materials in local libraries. Under the Act, a regional representative library should make a plan for a regional repository library to accomodate overflows from local library collections as soon as possible. The purpose of this study is to figure out the meanings of 'regional repository library' as a cooperative storage facility of local library collections, and to suggest the proper solutions for developing a regional repository library with case of Busan metropolitan city. To the end, this study (1) examined the extent of space shortage in local libraries of Busan, (2) assessed the needs of both local libraries and library users for a regional repository library, and finally, (3) suggested the detailed procedure and methods for establishing and managing a regional repository library in Busan metropolitan city.

공동보존서고, 공동보존도서관, 지역대표도서관, 자료의 공동보존, Regional repository library, Regional storage center, Regional storage facility, Cooperative repository library, Cooperative library collection storage, Regional representative library



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society