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A Study on the Organizational Structure and Operational Plans of Local Government Representing Library - with a Reference to the Library of Busan -

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2015, v.46 no.3, pp.51-70


The objective of this study is to present the organization and management plan for the new main library in Busan metropolitan city. The characteristics of the Busan Library was defined as follows: stronghold library of Busan, policy and research library, and research hub for Busan studies. The five core functions of the library are to be library policy making, support and collaboration, preservation, information services, and administrative support. In order to fulfill the duties and the roles of the library, it has been suggested to maintain 4 departments along with 1 team including the department of library policy, the department of support and collaboration, the department of information services, the department of administrative support, and the preservation team. It has also been suggested to secure proper number of personnel including 43 staff members for the opening of the library, which consist of 10 administrative staff, 31 librarians and 2 computer specialists. The annual operating budget has been estimated to 4.33 billion won including labor cost (1.53 billion won), acquisitions (.735 billion won) and, other operating cost (2.13 billion won).

Library planning, Local government representing library, Library management, Public library, Library policy, 도서관계획, 지역대표도서관, 도서관운영, 공공도서관, 도서관정책



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society