The purpose of this study is to investigate the current status of services and programs of bookmobiles in Korea. To do this, a questionnaire containing 22 questions on basic information, scheduling and stops of bookmobiles, services and programs of bookmobiles, promotions and needs assessment and improvement requirements was developed on the basis of 7 foreign standards and guidelines related to bookmobile services. 74 questionnaires from bookmobiles belonging to public libraries and Saemaul bookmobiles were analysed. As a result, many parts of the results including operation days per week, stops per day, operation hours per stop, visiting cycle, circulation per day, circulation period and circulation volume and promotion conformed to foreign standards and guidelines but the others did not conformed to them. Also, there were more group differences in services and programs between bookmobiles belonging to public libraries and Saemaul bookmobiles than between bookmobiles in metropolitan cities and provinces in Korea.
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