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Impact of Science and Technology Information Service Quality Satisfaction and Perceived Importance on User Loyalty

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2016, v.47 no.3, pp.365-382


In this paper, impact of science and technology information service quality satisfaction and perceived importance on the user loyalty was studied to find the way of improvement of information service quality. To analyze the impact among service quality variables, the research questions and hypothesis are set and statistical analysis on 641 survey answers was conducted. The correlation between satisfaction and perceived importance regarding each service quality item was high. Relationship between satisfaction of every item of the service quality and overall satisfaction was verified by multiple regression analysis. As a result, the five out of seven independent variables are statistically significant influence to the dependent variable. Relationship between the perceived importance and loyalty for each item was verified by multiple regression analysis was confirmed that the four out of seven independent variables are statistically significant influence to the dependent variable. The overall satisfaction is having an effect on loyalty verified through simple regression analysis.

과학기술정보서비스, 정보서비스품질, 만족도, 중요도인식, 충성도, Science and technology information service, Information service quality, Satisfaction, Perceived importance, User loyalty



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society