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Factors for Reading Motivation and Book Selection of High School Students: An Exploratory Study

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2017, v.48 no.2, pp.323-344


Despite the close relatedness of the factors for reading motivation and book selection, few researchers have examined these factors together in a single study. To deal with this dearth of research, this study was designed to explore factors of motivation for reading and book selection of high school students comprehensively. The authors conducted in-depth interviews with fifteen high school students and analyzed their responses in order to identify the meaningful factors. The findings of this study reveal the five major factors: (1) characteristics of information sources, (2) school and learning environment, (3) individual factors, (4) home environment, and (5) social environment. In particular, the five types of factors seem to have a combined effects on reading motivation and book selection. The findings also suggest that one’s reading motivation is a prerequisite for his/her book selection; however, the reading motivation does not always lead to book selection. The results of this study may deepen our understanding of reading behavior of high school students, which can be used in reading instruction and designing new programs.

독서행태, 독서동기, 도서선택, 고등학생, 영향요인, Reading behavior, Reading motivation, Book selection, High school students, Influential factor



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society