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Analysis of Social Issues of the Newspaper Articles on Gyeongju Earthquakes

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2017, v.48 no.2, pp.53-72


The purpose of this study is to analyze types and features social issues about the Gyeongju earthquakes 2016, South Korea. The specific purpose is to identify types of topics related to Gyeongju Earthquakes, changes of topics over time, and the differences of topics depending on the each type of newspapers. According to the result of topic modeling, 55 topics were extracted. The result of this study is following these. First, the main topics have been changed with the course of time. In September, various topics were emerged, specifically urgent issues was found during two weeks after the first earthquake. After October, topics about social problems derived from the earthquakes received much attention at that time. Topics related to safety problems about nuclear plant have steadily found in all period. Second, topics varied depending whether the newspaper is national or regional. Also, differences of topics were found when dividing the newspapers by their characteristics considered conservative or liberal.

경주지진, 이슈분석, 토픽모델링, LDA기법, Gyeongju Earthquakes, Issues analysis, Topic modeling, LDA



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society