This study aimed to exploratorily investigate the new roles of libraries in the era of K-MOOC. For this, potential roles were derived and categorized from former researches and practices. And to evaluate the appropriacy of those roles, two expert surveys were conducted. Panel A was comprised of 30 professors who had been running K-MOOC classes and Panel B was comprised of 30 librarians of Universities that had adopted K-MOOC. The result shows that they both agree about distinct roles of library as information provider such as licensing and providing digital contents requested from information users, while technological part, for example, recording video and audio, managing website, and providing open access, was considered inappropriate because those roles were already taken by CTLs. Also, professors agree that information literacy education is required for teachers not just for students as the speed of technological development is too swift and librarians agree that they have to equipped with core competence in preparation for upcoming change by creating added value, establishing closer relationship with various educational and technological institutes, and securing organizational flexibility.
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