The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of providing books to elementary school students that match their personality type on their reading attitude. For this purpose, this study investigated among the 226 elementary school students that are enrolled in fourth, fifth, and sixth grade classes at the elementary schools located in Gyeonggido, South Korea. The personality type of the students was determined by the Enneagram test. In this study, students were given with books that match their personality type and the effect of the provision was investigated. Main results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, the fact that books that match their own personality type made the children curious about the books, evoking their interest in reading. Second, the children exchanged their books with those who have similar personality type after they finish reading. As a result, the children could be exposed to more diverse books. Third, the students were curious about what kind of books were given to those with different personality type. The students responded that they want to read all of the different types of books too.
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