The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of the military library services and the factors for promoting the reading of the soldiers and the activation of the use of the library by investigating the perception, use behavior and satisfaction of the library users, and the usefulness of ‘JinJung’ library collection. For this purpose, we surveyed the users of the Army, Navy, and Air Force military libraries. As a result of the survey, they responded that they were reading to acquire new knowledge and information and to cultivate the education. The favorite reading areas were general fiction, poetry, comic books, martial arts and fantasy novels. In order to encourage the soldiers to read in the military, diversity and quantitative expansion of collections are most needed, and soldiers said they most desire to expand the books on novels, poetry, admissions and employment preparation books. In addition, in order to increase the utilization rate of the military library and the interest in reading, it was necessary to increase the accessibility of the soldiers' library and books to the military, and to increase the library use time.
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