This study is to suggest the considerations in the rules for authorized access points for collocation of music work by figuring out the directions of authorized access points in FRBR, LRM, ICP 2016, RDA, and BIBFRAME, and by analyzing RDA rules for attributes and authorized access points of music works and expression and VIAF examples. First, an aggregated authorized access points were suggested as the direction of authorized access points, and original title may be selected as preferred title and the authorized access point may be based on forms in one of the languages suited to the users, if the original title is not normally suited. Second, music works’s authorized access points is consisted of composer authorized access point and preferred title, and of adapter’s authorized access point and preferred title in case of lacks of responsibility in composer. Also, the authorized access point of Korean traditional music work must be reviewed according to work types considering the responsibility of composer. Third, the controlled vocabularies for name of music type, medium of performance, and key could be considered for describing the attributes of work and expression. This study would be the foundation study for the authorized access point of music work, and additional research should be completed through surveying music user’s need.
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