This study aims to analyze the direction of the reading education programs based on the 2015 revised curriculum and to seek the plans for the school library and the teacher librarian to be able to contribute them. For this purpose, the types of school-based reading education programs in the report of 100 excellent school curriculum in 2016, which was first applied by the amended curriculum were analyzed through multiple intelligences. Upon the analysis results, the reading education programs in the schools showed to be operated with interpersonal Intelligence. Community-aligned reading was the most frequently operated in the primary schools while student reading club activities were the most common in the middle and high schools. In case of reading education program related to linguistic intelligence, the most commonly operated ways were reading books, writing with literatures, and writing book report, in primary, middle, and high schools, respectively. In case of reading education program related to spatial intelligence, media production type showed the most commonly operated in all types of schools. However, there was no reading program related to naturalist intelligence. Based on these analysis results, the plans to contribute the activation of reading education programs by school libraries under the 2015 amended curriculum were suggested in the aspects of development of connection programs with teachers, students and parents as the center of education community, installation and operation of maker spaces and enhancement of program management and inquiry-based learning competency of teacher librarians.
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