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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0688
This study aims to investigate the relations of spirituality to life stress, self-esteem, and depression among Korean college students, in order to provide valuable information about the importance of consideringclients' spirituality. The participants were 384 Korean college students (191 males and 193 females) whose ages ranged from 18 to 29 (M = 20.89, SD = 1.94). The psychological tests used in this research included: the Korean version of the Spiritual Well-Being Scale, the Life Stress Scale for College Students, Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Scale, and Zung's Self-Rating Depression Scale. The results indicated that female students showed higher spiritual well-being than male students, and students who belong to the religious group are more likely to show religious well-being. Correlational analyses revealed that existential well-being has negative relation to life stress, whereas both religious well-being and existential well-being have positive relations to self-esteem and negative to depression. The more accountability of spiritual well-being for psychological health was found in religious students. The spiritual well-being accounted for approximately 26% of the variances in depression. These findings suggest a bio-psycho-social-spiritual model with which mental health practitioners can better understand clients' mental disorder or psychological health by considering their religiosity and spiritual well-being.
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