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Vol.32 No.3

오동근 pp.1-29

This study is to investigate extensively the complaint responses of the public library users, as an example of the complaining behaviors of the clients in not-for-profit organization. It selects and analyzes empirically some of the antecedents of the complaining behaviors including attitude toward complaining, cost of the complaining, likelihood of success, of success, product, external attributions and loyalty, and complaint responses including exit, voice(redress seeking), negative word-of-mouth and third party complaints, of the public library users, based on the theoretical backgrounds. It also examines the free use as a new variable of antecedents for not-for-profit organizations. Final data through questionaries are obtained from 515 unsatisfied adult public library users in Taegu, 456 of them analysed with SPSS 10.0 for Windows.

박일종 ; 백수연 pp.31-58

The objective of this study was to provide the basic information necessary for the efficient library service policy for the graduate students in engineering field as investigating the academic information seeking behavior and demands of users who major in electronic engineering at a graduate program. Literature studies and survey through questionnaire were conducted for the purpose. The established theories were synthetically examined through literature studies, and theoretical systematization and structure for positive research were framed. Graduate students in engineering field were classified into two groups: those who major in electronic engineering and the others, and their demands for information and its seeking behavior were comparatively analyzed in this thesis.

이만수 pp.59-89

After researching users'satisfaction on central library service of Daejin university, it shows that they are generally satisfied with facilities but not with the service that supports library use, and satisfied with a book and serial Publications but not with others including thesis. Also, it is shown that librarians in communication with users are insufficient, and their professionalism and capacity are acknowledged but their insincerity and perfunctory attitude are viewed negative to users. Therefore librarians need to actively promote their service to users. Besides, it will be beneficial for librarians to use bulletin board of homepage as a way to continuously reflect claims and complaints from users.

윤희윤 pp.91-115

Today academic libraries have to show that they are using given resources for right purpose and in the best way. In order to reach this goal, academic libraries should develop the effective evaluation model. And carefully selected and used, performance measures or evaluation indicators are the most important tool the Library has to ensure goals and objectives are being accomplished. The purpose of this study is to understand a theoretical foundation for evaluation indicators of academic libraries, that is, its diverse(various) meanings and directivity.

유부현 pp.117-147

This study researches to prove the character of the bottom book of the 'Tripitaka Koreana'and its carved book. From the research, it is Proved that the First Tripitaka 51books and the new Tripitaka that is the second Tripitaka collected in the Holim museum are the overtum cared books or the contracted overtum cared books of 'Tripitaka keybo'. And finds out some outline on the bottom and compared book used when published the new Tripitaka by comparing it by Sugi Buddhist priest: he published the new book using the Songbon(宋本) at first as the bottom book and compared it with the Kookbon(國本) and Danbon(丹本) and contracted it based on them. This corrected Songbon was used once more as the bottom book of the new Tripitaka. And It is grasped that some Tripitaka containing some serious mistakes and missed in Songbon was corrected based on the Kookbon and Danbon and caved it or made a new carved book to insert or substitute it to the new Tripitaka. study researches So this study concludes that such differences showing in these two books are on the bases of the gaps in time and space between them.

김용근 pp.149-168

The purpose of this study is to analyze the information management activities in small scale special libraries. For this purpose information inquiries on the library mailing lists are reviewed. Computerization library management, classification, collection development, regulations and knowledge management requested by special librarians are consulted.

윤구호 ; 서말숙 pp.169-197

This study investigated the intellectual structure of Korean library and information science and its change in the 1990s using author co-citation analysis. The citation data came from in 3 journals in the field of library and information science from 1990 through 1999, and 50 authors were selected and analyzed in detail by means of multi-variate statistical techniques such as multidimensional scaling, cluster analysis, factor analysis and crosstab analysis in order to excess the intellectual structure of discipline and its changing research patterns.

도태현 pp.199-226

This study is a part of the serial study on the historical development of cataloging rules in Korea, and focus on 'the period of international standardization'(from 1954 to 1980). In this period, Han-Un Catalog Rules, Dongseo pyeonmoggyujeong(cho), Korean Cataloging Rules 1st ed. and 2nd ed. were published in Korea. This study tries to review the structure and contents of these cataloging rules.

노기춘 pp.227-247

The main purpose of this research is two kinds. First, explain the connection residing process of the Baik Dal-Soon(白達淳)'s house which is located at the Kumgok of Yongsanmyon Sanggumri, Jhanghung County, Chonnam Province in Korea. Second, analyse the collected process of old books which have been transmitted to a he's family. The result is as follows. First, the Kumgok has been connection resided Kawngju Lee family(廣州 李氏), Yongkwang Kim family(靈光 金氏), Suwon Baik family(水原 白氏) order by marriage connection. Second the most of old books transmitted to a he's family have been colleoted by Baik Jin-Hang (白鎭恒, 1760∼ 1818).

홍명자 pp.249-274

This study outlined the meaning, roles, and competencies required for specialized law librarian; examined the American educational system in law librarianship and analyzed the situation of American Schools of Library and Information Studies for the education of specialized law librarian; and recommended the special law librarianship program under the Department of Library and Information Science in the Graduate School.

손정표 pp.275-305

This study is to analyze factors affecting collection size by the type of materials of university libraries in Korea. The results of this study are summarized as follows; ①Factors affecting library holdings in volumes: national univ. - volumes loaned, total number of courses, library materials expenditure; private univ. - undergraduate enrollments, library materials expenditure, volumes loaned, number of graduate departments; total univ. - undergraduate enrollments, volumes loaned, library materials expenditure ②Factors affecting periodical titles: all the libraries - graduate enrollments ③Factors affecting the size of nonbook materials: national univ. - graduate enrollments, number of undergraduate departments; private and total univ. - volumes loaned ④Factors affecting volumes added: national univ. - volumes loaned, number of graduate courses; private univ. - number of undergraduate enrollments; total univ. - volumes loaned ⑤Factors affecting the size of nonbook materials added: national univ. - number of graduate enrollments, number of undergraduate departments; private and total univ. not extracted.

노영희 pp.307-330

This study experimented the performance of categorization methods using the kNN classifier. Most sample based automatic text categorization techniques like the kNN classifier reduces the feature set of the training documents. We sought to find out which percentage reductions in the feature set would result in high performances. In addition, the kNN classifier has to find the k number of training documents most similar to the test documents in the training documents. We sought to verify the most appropriate k value through experiments.

이희정 ; 박옥화 pp.331-351

The purpose of this study is to examine the erects of bibliotherapy in establishing the ego-identity of university students whose ego-identity develops must greatly during the university days. First this study will verify the erects of bibliotherapy in developing the ego-identity of university students. Secondly, this study will verify the necessity of reading guidance as one of the active reference services of the university library.

노진구 pp.353-395

Academic libraries presently are confronting the issues of organizational viability and relevance. Academic libraries are not the sole owners of the information gateway. The purpose of this study is modeling of university library's information service for effective implication of its role in order to ensure organizational viability and relevance in internet environment. New information service model of university library needs to be design according to four Principles. Firstly, building of web based library petals. Secondly, provision of web front-end with hybrid functions. Thirdly, provision of information literacy program Fourthly, extension resource sharing.

이란주 ; 성기주 ; 양정하 pp.397-417

The purpose of this study is to suggest the guidelines for developing the effective classification scheme of woman studies on the Internet. In order to do that, fuve search engines and three subject web databases are analyzed based on the characteristics, problems of their classification schemes. In addition their classification schemes are measured in terms of coverage of subject fields and systematic logic. The results suggest the guidelines far classification scheme reflecting the characteristics of women's studies that ice interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary fields.

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society