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A Study on the Analysis of Variables Affecting Teacher Librarians' Practice Teaching in Korea

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2011, v.42 no.1, pp.183-203


The purpose of this study is to propose an effective development of teacher librarians' practice teaching and to identify how much teacher librarians' practice teaching affects their expertise in Korea. For this, two research models are constructed. The first model is to analyze the relationship of variables between the effect of practice teaching and the following variables: pretraining, practice program, advisory teacher, training condition and organizational atmosphere. The second model is to analyze how much the practice teaching affects their role perception and expertise compared with training courses and field experiences. The result is as follow: It is the training program that greatly affects teacher librarians' practice teaching among those variables. And the practice teaching has a positive effect on the ability of role performance. According to the above result, the practice teaching is effective in developing teacher librarians' expertise. And more systematic practice teaching program, enough pretraining and the efforts of advisory teacher are necessary to enhance the effect of teacher librarians' practice teaching.

School Library, Teacher Librarian, Practice Teaching, Expertise of Teacher Librarian, 학교도서관, 사서교사, 교육실습, 사서교사 전문성, School Library, Teacher Librarian, Practice Teaching, Expertise of Teacher Librarian



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society