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A Development of the Contents for the Reading Attitude Survey Questionnaire through the Analysis of Reading Attitude Models

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2012, v.43 no.4, pp.139-159


The purpose of this research is to increase understanding about an attitude and to develop the contents of the reading attitude survey questionnaire through the analysis and comparison of reading attitude models. An attitude has an individual's perception and feeling about events, problems, people or things, and it also includes the state prepared for reaction. An attitude consists of emotion, cognition and behavior and it is formed by experience, learning or value judgment. Reading attitudes are composed of cognitive factors that represent beliefs or opinions about reading, emotional factors that represent evaluation and emotion about reading, and behavioral factors that represent intentions or behavior to reading. The analysis of the components of the reading attitude models shows the fact that the influencing factors of reading attitude formation are the reading experience, beliefs of reading results, beliefs about others' expectations and reading environments. Thus, the contents of reading attitude survey questionnaires should include such contents as reading experience, beliefs of reading results, beliefs about others' expectations, and reading environments.

독서태도, 독서태도 모형, 독서태도 조사, 독서태도 설문, Reading Attitude, Reading Attitude Model, Reading Attitude Survey, Reading Attitude Questionnaires



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society