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  • P-ISSN2466-2542
  • KCI

Characteristics of Korean Researchers through Bibliometric Analysis of Papers Published in International LIS Journals

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2016, v.47 no.1, pp.217-242
(Florida State University)
(Florida State University)


To investigate the characteristics of Korean researchers who have published journal articles in the international Library and Information Science (LIS) journals, we analyzed the types of institutions of the authors and their disciplines by publication year and journal type. Specifically, we analyzed 819 pieces of author information from 384 articles published between 2005 and 2014 in 31 journals using the existing categories, allowing comparisons of research trends between past and current and between Korean and international researchers. In addition, we used a co-authorship credit allocation method to calculate the credits of individual authors in an accurate manner, and found that 342.6 of 384 papers were contributed by solely Korean researchers. We demonstrated that the internationality and quality of Korean LIS research has increased during this time. In particular, authors who were affiliated with universities took the lead in publishing papers, and we presented that the nature of research might be related to the type of author affiliation. Based on the disciplinary backgrounds of the researchers, we also suggest that LIS research is associated with such disciplines, computer science, management, and communications.

Researcher characteristics, Social science citation index (SSCI), Library and information science, Bibliometric analysis, 연구자 특성, 사회과학 인용색인, 문헌정보학, 계량분석



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society