The objectives of this study are to survey publications of the chinese version of <Shi Jing> surviving to the present day and to analyze their characteristics systematically based on physical bibliographical assessment of its 42 versions. Important findings are following: During the Chosun Dynasty, the largest number(69%) of publication and distribution of <Shi Jing> was from the Youngrak Version(Ming Books) of 『ShiJundaquan』, of which reversely engraved editions, typologic editions, and the reversely engraved editions of the typologic editions were found. Among 42 versions, 14 reversely engraved editions are originated from the Youngrak Version. Those from earlier versions to the versions right after ImjinWar were similar to Youngrak Version in morphological characteristics, later some editions were found to be far different from Youngrak Version by repeating the reverse engraving. As for the publication time of <Shi Jing>, most editions were printed in the 18th century. The publication region of <Shi Jing> was also examined, Gyeonggi and Gyeongsang regions are the most frequent printing places. Typologic editions were printed mainly at Gyeonggi region, and the reversely engraved editions from Ming Books were printed at Gyeongsang region as Gamyeongbon (the books from Supervisory Office).
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