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A Study on Use Behaviors of Books through Circulation Data Analysis in an Academic Library

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2017, v.48 no.2, pp.263-293

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The purpose of this study is to analyze user behaviors of books in detail based on circulation data in an academic library. It analyzes circulation patterns of books for ten years from 2006 to 2015, which are surprisingly similar every year. Each pattern follows ‘Loan books 20/50 rule’ that 20% core collection occupies 50% of its circulation every year. This clarifies users’ circulation patterns are highly consistent and very expectable. Also, using the cumulative distribution of book age, it defines the half-life of books and suggests the mathematical formula to measure it. Circulation patterns of the whole loan book and core collection for ten years are very different in terms of subjects, user groups, and divisions. This indicates that core collection plays a significant role in analyzing circulation statistics and usage patterns for the efficient collection development in the future.

대학도서관, 대출데이터, 핵심장서, 대출도서 20/50 법칙, 도서 반감기, Academic library, Circulation data, Core collection, Loan books 20/50 rule, Half-life of books



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society