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A Study on the Expansion of Fundamental Categories Based onThesaurus International Standards

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2019, v.50 no.1, pp.273-291


This study aims to extend fundamental categories from Clause 11, “facet analysis” in International Standards for thesaurus(ISO 25964-1) by analyzing fundamental categories of Clause 11 and concept and their scope in a thesaurus of Clause 5. For to do this, the fundamental categories were established by adjusting partially and adding mental entities explicitly referencing the highest concepts(YAMATO which is the upper ontology of Mizoguchi, and ISO 2788) and existing fundamental categories(PMEST, FRBR group 3 entities, 13 categories in CRG). Also, established fundamental categories were reorganized and structured based on concreteness/abstraction of PMEST in Ranganathan and independence/dependence of YAMATO in Mizoguchi. And the upper categories were divided into independent and dependent entities. Under these entities 28 criteria are included in the independent ones and 2 criteria in the dependent ones. In the further study, the result of this study can be expected to reuse and refer as controlled vocabulary in the field like classification, taxonomies and thesauri where expected to utilize fundamental categories and as the high-level concept when constructing an ontology for information retrieval.

Thesaurus international standards, ISO 25964-1, Facet analysis, Fundamental categories, Upper ontology, 시소러스 국제표준, ISO 25964-1, 패싯 분석, 기본 범주, 상위 온톨로지



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society