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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0688
분산형 용서 집단상담과 집중형 용서 집단상담이 대학생들의 용서 정도를 증가시키고, 분노, 불안, 우울을 감소시키는지를 검증하기위하여, 두 실험 집단과 무 처치 통제집단을 비교하였다. 연구대상은 7주간(총 14시간)의 분산형 집단상담에 참여한 12명, 2일(총 14시간)의 집중형 집단상담에 참여한 12명과 7주간의 무 처치 통제집단에 참여한 9명의 대학생들이다. 참가자들은 집단상담을 실시하기 전에 용서, 분노, 불안, 우울 척도를 작성하였고, 집단상담을 마친 후에 사후검사를 실시하였다. 추후검사는 집단상담을 마친 4주 후에 실시하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 분산형 집단상담과 집중형 집단상담은 일반 대학생들의 용서 증가와 분노, 불안을 감소시키는데 효과가 있었다. 둘째, 분산형 집단상담과 집중형 집단상담을 무 처치 통제집단과 비교한 결과 두 처치집단과 무 처치 통제집단은 용서정도와 분노, 불안에서 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 두 처치 집단간에는 유의한 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다.
To examine the effects of forgiveness program, this study compared the two experimental groups - one weekly group and one intension group - and a no-treatment group. Subjects were 33 university students: 12 to weekly group for seven weeks(total 14 hours), 12 to intensive group for two days(total 14 hours) and 9 to no-treatment control group for seven weeks. Subjects filled out the inventories of Forgiveness, anger, anxiety, and depression before and after the group sessions. Follow-up test was carried out four weeks after the group finished. Research results are as: First, the forgiveness degree of weekly group and intensive group and decreased anger, anxiety and depression. Second, there were significant differences on forgiveness degree, anger, and anxiety between two treatment groups and non-treatment group but there was no significant difference between two treatment groups. The implications, limitations and suggestions of this study were discussed.
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The Effects of the Forgiveness Program on Forgiveness Degree and Depression of University Students Comparison between the weekly Group,
To examine the effects of forgiveness program 12 to weekly group for seven weeks 12 to intensive group for two days and 9 to no-treatment control group for seven weeks Subjects filled out the inventories of Forgiveness and depression before and after the group sessions Follow-up test was carried out four weeks after the group finished, Subjects were 33 university students