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(199219-53) 상담교육방법으로서의 개인수퍼비전 모델에 관한 복수사례연구 상담과 심리치료,
(1996) 청소년 대화의 광장,
(2003) 상담 수퍼비전, 학지사
(2003) 집단수퍼비전 과정에 관한 탐색적 연구 학생생활연구, 숙명여자대학교 학생생활상담소
(1998) 상담자 발달수준 평가에 관한 연구,
(2002) 청소년상담 수퍼비전, 한국청소년상담원
(2001) 상담자 사례개념화 요소목록 개발 및 타당성 검증 연구,
(2001) 소집단 수퍼비전 만족도에 영향을 미치는 변인연구,
(2003) 수퍼바이저와 수련생를 위한 수퍼비전 워크?, 상담 및 심리치료학회 동계학술연수
(1988) Shame and guilt in psychotherapy supervision,
(1990) Perfectionism in the supervisee,
(2000) Level of supervisee disclosure in the clinical supervision of counselors-in-training The University of North Carolina at Greenboro, Unpublished doctoral dissertation
(1999) Self-monitoring, supervisor self disclosure,and the supervisory working alliance in counseling supervision University of Minnesota, Unpublished doctoral dissertation
(2000) Becoming an effective supervisor A workbook for Counselors and Psychologists,
(1989) Parallel process in counseling and supervision Journal of Counseling Psychology,
(2000) Narcissistic vulnerability in supervisee: Ego ideals, self-exposure, and narcissistic character defences. ,
(1994) Characterological resistances in psychotherapy supervision,
(1999) Interns' critical incidents of nondisclosure and reluctant disclosure in supervision University of Maryland, Unpublished doctoral dissertation
(1997) A guide to conducting consensual qualitative research,
(1995) Clinical supervision: A systems approach. ,
(1997) Supervisory relationships: Exploring the human element, Brooks/Cole Publishing company
(1995) The relationship between the supervisory working alliance and supervisee role conflict and role ambiguity,
(1996) . Nature, extent,and importance of what psychotherapy trainees do not disclose to their supervisors Journal of Counseling Psychology,
(1999) The content and frequency of supervisor self-disclosures and their relationship to supervisor style and the supervisory working alliance,
(1999) The nature of counselor supervisor nondisclosure,
(1986) Resistance in supervision:A responce to perceived threat,
(2002) Cultural landscapes of pastoral counseling in Asia:The case of Korea with a supervisory perspective,
(1997) Handbook of psychotherapy supervision and evaluation in psychotherapy supervision research, Inc
(1998) How honest do counsellors dare to be in the supervisory relationship?,
(1984) Empirical investigation of supervision of counselors as they gain experience Journal of Counseling Psychology,
(1998) Nondisclosure in supervisory relationship from the supervisee's perspective Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology, Unpublished doctoral dissertation
(1992) On the concealment of the interpersonal therapeutic reality in the course of supervision,
(2000) Internalized shame,representation of the supervisory process and trainee perceptions of nondisclosure in psychotherapy supervision, Unpublished doctoral dissertation Columbia University
(1996) Nondisclosure and distortion in psychotherapy supervision,
(1996) Nondisclosure and distortion in psychotherapy supervision,