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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

Journal Operation

1. Korean Journal of Psychology: General


Journal Title

Korean Journal of Psychology: General

Journal Abbreviation

Korean J Psychol Gen

Title in Korean

Korean Journal of Psychology: General


The Korean Psychological Association

Publication Date



Quarterly (the 25th day of March, June, September, and December)


Korean, English



DOI Prefix


Electronic Links



Covered By

KCI (Korean Citation Index) - Distinguished NRF Registered Journal (2017-ongoing)


Korean Journal of Psychology: Generalpublishes creative theoretical research, evaluative and integrative review, interdisciplinary empirical research, and measurement and research methodology articles in the field of psychology.


- Evaluative and integrative review of existing empirical studies

- Critical review and meta-analysis of theoretical models in a particular area

- Comprehensive review of socially relevant research topics


·Interdisciplinary Empirical Studies

Empirical research focusing on complex topics that are of interest to multiple fields of psychology but are difficult to cover in discipline-specific journals.

- Research based on data from a single, self-report survey is discouraged.

·Measurement and Research Methods

Studies on measurement and research methodologies that apply novel approaches to psychological research, including research design, measurement, and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data.

* A preliminary eligibility review will be conducted prior to peer review of all manuscripts.

* All manuscripts will be reviewed on a rolling basis. The manuscripts accepted for publication will be published in the next issue in the order in which they are accepted.

Korean Journal of Psychology: General