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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

Vol.9 No.1

Ki-Suk Kim(Korea University) pp.1-15

The search for engram has been one of the major concerns in biopsychological researches. In a systematic effort for the search. Thompson and his colleagues adopted as a model system conditioning of the nictitating membrane response(NMR) of rabbits which was originally developed by Gormezano. They have used a variety of techniques such' as lesion, stimulation and recording of rabbits brain while the animal is at various phases of conditioning like before, during, or after the conditioning. Their efforts led to the discovery that the possible site for NMR learning is the cerebellar cortex and / or deep nuclei. Ensuing studies revealed that auditory CS signals are relayed from the cochlear nucleus to the cerebellum via the pontine nucleus or the lateral reticular nucleus, that somatosensory US signals reach the cerebellum throgh the trigeminal spinal nucleus and the inferior olive, and that the CR signals are relayed from the cerebeluum to the red nucleus and the accessory abducens which elicit the conditioned NMR in the end. Also, the affective and high-order components which accompany the basic component of NMR conditioning are found to involve amygdala and hippocampus respectively where the neuronal plasticity of learning and memory is indicated. Some twenty one articles which, represent efforts by Korean psychologists in the search for the circuit of NMR conditioning are included in this review.

Myeong-Han Zoh(Seoul National University) pp.16-32

Any of the process theories of syllogistic reasoning must provide an alternative interpretation of the atmosphere effect. The theory of integration process advanced here claims that the reasoner first construct a representation for the possible set interpiretations of middle term which occurs in both premises, and then draw a conclusion on the basis of the cverlapping set of the middle term. The theory further proposes that mutually exclusive set of the middle term affects the confidence level in drawing the conclusion as the case may be. Predictions from the theory are fairly close to the data of Dickstein. (1978) and Johnson-Laird and Steedman (1978) in which the complete response distributions of all 64 syllogisms are reported. Comparable support for th.e theory is evident in the data from the experiments on linear syllogism, which report the figural effect arises from the process of integrating the premises on the basis of middle term information.

MyungJa Song(Dong-A University) pp.33-53

U-shaped development has been the subject of interest in the field of developmental psychology, for it is generally assumed to reveal the mechanism underlying developmental phenomena not easily provided by linear patterns. This study reviews various theoretical and empirical studies of U-shaped behavioral growth published at home and abroad during mainly the 1980s. This review is intended to answer some controversial questions based on the factual information contained in surveyed literature. The following facts were confirmed from the reviews. First, most data seem to support the observation that U-shaped development is a significant developmental phenomenon revealing changing developmental mechanism even though several studies suggest that it is a methodological artifact as some information processing theorists maintain. Second, U-shaped development has been proved to be a common occurrence observed in diverse areas of development such as perception, cognition, language, social cognition and social behavior. Third, a temporary drop in a fairly congruent age period is ovserved among different researchers and tasks in the same area of development. Fourth, in U-shaped development the high performance levels before and after a temporary drop reflect different developmental mechanisms rather than the same one. Fifth, despite a temporary drop in performance, U-shaped phenomena signify a continuous advance in competence, not reflective of a real regression in developmental process.

Soo-Won Lee(Hanyang University) pp.54-73

The issue of internalization as a mechanism of the formation of social knowledge has been studied extensively in psychology and sociology. While the former has overlooked an individuals knowledge as socio-historical products, the latter has underestimated social institutions as the product of human creativity [intelligence]. This paper intended to investigate how individuals knowledge and social institutions can be integrated by internalization process which transforms the attitude of inter-individual level into the value of intra-individual appears when one is constrained in a specific institutional setting. But the value of intra-individual is aquired when one is dccontcxtualized from the insututional setting. Thus, social instututions and individuals knowledge can be dialetically intergrated by attitude-value conversion.

Sang-Chin Choi(Chung-An.g University) pp.74-86

Despite its enormous paradigmatic influence upon social psycholgy arid psychology in general in European context, the concept of Serge Moscovici's social representations suffers from definitional ambiguity. It still remains at the level of debate as to what it is and/or what it is not. The present paper was addressed primarily to this conceptual dispute. In particular, an emphasis was placed upon integrating historical and philosophical as well as conceptual developments of social rep-resentations, on which a more solid and reified conceptualization of the concept was sought. Implications were made in relation to the currently dominant tradition of individualistic American social psychology, particularly focusing upon the area of social cognition. Finally, methodological issues associated with the theory were discussed.

Geung-Ho Cho(Sogang University) pp.87-110

This article is to present the Dual-Aspect Model of Person Evaluation and to confirm its validity through empirical findings. The Model was proposed by the auhor (Cho, 1982a) and presupposes that the criteria, cues and dimension of person evaluation would be varied according to the dependent-situations between the perceiver and the target person. As Jones and Gerard(1967) mentioned, the dependent-situations between two persons can be devided into two distinct categories: effect dependence and information dependence. In effect-dependent situation, where one relies on the other for satisfaction of ones own direct needs in life, one is interested in the others concern for fellow persons, that is his intention and dispositions to take care of fellow persons' welfare, while in information-dependent situation, where one. relies on the other for getting useful knowledges about the environment in which they are placed, he is interested in the others ability to provide valid infonnation. Therefore, in effect-dependent situation one would evaluate the other person on the basis of subjective criteria using affective traits as cues, while in information-dependent situation one would evaluate the other on the basis of objective criteria using intellectual traits as cues. As a result, in the former case the impression of the other would be judged in tenns of the likableness (like-dislike) dimension, while in the latter case it would be judged in terms of the favorableness (good-bad) dimension. This is the core of the Duel-Aspect Model. This article is composed of four parts: (1) prepositions of the Model, (2) contents of the Model, (3) empirical validity of the Model, and (4) concluding remarks. In part I, three theoretical viewpoints were examined: Jones and Thibaut's (1958), Jones and Gerard's (1967), and Rosenberg et al's (1968), which were used as the building bases for the prepositions of the Dual-Aspect Model. In part II, the above-mentioned contents of the Model were reviewed more closely. In part ID, the results of a series of experiments to test this Model in the context of impression : integration and person memory were presented. It was found from these experiments that the predictions derived from this Model were fully supported, thus the Dual-Aspect Model has a good empirical validity. Based on these results, the values of the Dual-Aspect Model of Person Evaluation in the process of understanding others in everyday life situations were discussed and some issues and prospects for further researches were suggested in part IV.

Yong-Ho Lee(Seoul National University) ; Ho-Taek Won(Seoul National University) pp.111-133

Studies that examine the relations between depression and causal attributions have shown inconsistent findings. It was concluded in this review that attributions to stable-global causes for negative events showed a significant association with depression, but that the relations between depression and attributions for positive events were weaker than the corresponding ones for negative events. Several methodological problems, such as measurements of attributional sytle, heterogeneity of depression, and research strategies, were noticed. The depressive realism and the causal role of depressive attributional styles in depression were discussed. And the suggestions for future research testing the diathesis-stress model of depression were proposed.

Myung-Un Kim(Seoul National University) pp.134-153

This essay attempts to prove the prevalence of the confluence of rationality seeking and justification behavior in various organizations by reviewing and reinterpreting the existing studies. To that end, first, a number of outcroppings of rationality seeking and justification behavior in organizational phenomena are illustrated at individual and organizational levels of analysis as well as cross-level of analysis. Second, the functional and the dysfunctional aspects of justification are discussed in some detail. Finally, this essay provides some suggestions for future studies from the nonrational or irrational viewpoint of organizations.

Korean Journal of Psychology: General