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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

Vol.30 No.4

; pp.933-957

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among family-friendly atmosphere in the organization, work-family conflict, psychological well-being, and organizational commitment perceived by employees. This research was conducted through surveys from 397 persons who work for large, medium and small company who’s living in Seoul and Gyeonggi-Do. The results are summarized as follows. First, as a result of the correlation analysis regarding family-friendly atmosphere in the organization, work-family conflict, psychological well-being, and organizational commitment, there was a significant positive correlation between family-friendly atmosphere in the organization and work-family conflict, and there was no significant relationship between family-friendly atmosphere in the organization and organizational commitment. Significant negative correlation was shown between work-family conflict and psychological well-being, and between work-family conflict and organizational commitment. On the other hand, there was significant positive correlation between psychological well-being and organizational commitment. Second, family-friendly atmosphere in the organization, work-family conflict, and psychological well-being, work-family conflict and psychological well-being had significant effects on organizational commitment. Third, in relationship between family-friendly atmosphere in organization and organizational commitment, work-family conflict and psychological well-being had meditating effect. These results indicated that making family-friendly atmosphere in the organization should be preceded in order to maintain the balance between work and family life. Therefore, this research was meaningful in that supportive organizations and families can improve the organizational commitment by inducing a state of psychological well-being among the employees.

; pp.959-972

Dichotomous thinking(DT) refers to the tendency to judge objects, people or events in terms of extremes. The binary conclusions drawn as a result of DT can lead to extreme emotional reactions and mood fluctuations. If DT is applied to evaluation of self, it can bring to unstable self-esteem. This study attempted to investigate the influence of DT on the intensity and variability of affect and self-esteem. The participants were college students assigned to two contrast groups (DT vs normal controls) on the basis of Dichotomous Thinking Index-30 Revised(DTI-30R). They kept mood diary measuring daily life events, affect and self-esteem during 14 days. The means and standard deviations of 14 daily records were compared between groups each as intensity and fluctuation measures. As results, in positive affect DT group did not differ from control group, but in negative affect showed more intensity and variability than control group. In self esteem, DT group was lower than control group and showed more up-and-downs. Therefore the hypothesis that DT causes intensification and fluctuation of mood and self evaluation was supported. Finally, we discussed implications and limitations of this study and present directions for future researches.


Relaxation training has been excellent intervention for anxiety, stress, pain, and so on. Though multiple relaxation training methods has been developed [e.g. Progressive Muscle Relaxation training(PMR), Autogenic Training(AT), Breating, Imagery, Hypnosis, Meditation, Biofeedback, Behavioral Relaxation Training], Behavioral Relaxation Training(BRT) has several features that may make it preferable to other training methods. BRT consists of 10 overt postures and behaviors characteristic of someone who is relaxed. Assessment of relaxed behavior is done using the Behavioral Relaxation Scale(BRS), a direct observation mesure of relaxed behavior. The BRS proved useful in measuring relaxation acquisition and maintenance. BRT and BRS are to stimulate further research on assessment of relaxation, especially “the nature of relaxation state” and to aid in the development of more effective training methods. In this article, multiple relaxation training methods, Behavioral Relaxation Training, Behavioral Relaxation Assessment procedure, application of Behavioral Relaxation Training, and conclusion and future directions in BRT & BRS were reviewed.

; pp.995-1010

This paper intends to examine changes in self-evaluation among children's with social anxietys and in children's performance of role-play after the video feedback treatment is given. The subjects for this study were 271 male and female elementary school students in 5th and 6th grades. The first stage of the test was to classify the students into high-level social anxiety group (top 5 % - with more than 110 marks) and low-level group (bottom 5 % - less than 50 marks) using the children and adolescents' social anxiety test of a Korean version.. Each group was reclassified into video feedback applied and non-applied groups. The translated version of Social Performance Rating Scale(SPRS)was applied before and after video feedback as a standard measure of self-evaluation and observer evaluation. Before video application, the children were required to evaluate themselves during the role-play with researchers and could see their role-play video later. After seeing the video, children were required to evaluate themselves again. According to the test result, children with high level of social anxiety expected themselves that they would have less marks from the role-playing then children with lower level of social anxiety. In terms of the observer-evaluation, it was actually replied that the high social anxiety children showed poorer performance than the low social anxiety children. Also in relation to the difference in the scores after the video feedback treatment, the high social anxiety children showed significant increase in the self- and the observer-evaluation scale only when they were treated with video feedback. As a result of comparing the difference in the scores between the self-evaluation scale and the observer-evaluation scale, the high social anxiety children showed significant difference regardless of the video feedback treatment. The score of the observer-evaluation was significantly higher than that of the self-evaluation. As a result of analyzing by question item, in the case of the group with video feedback treated, the high social anxiety children showed significantly better performance in terms of voice, eye contact, and the length of words.

; ; ; pp.1011-1038

The purpose of the present study was to construct and validate the Korean version of Canadian Problem Gambling Index 2011(KCPGI-2011). In the process we adopted standard cross-cultural test adaptation procedure which included translation, back-translation, and validation processes. Six bilinguals participated in the translation and back-translation process, and 278 and 277 college students and adult gamblers responded to the preliminary and main data collection processes, respectively. They responded to KCPGI- 2011 and KNODS-2011(Korean version of NODS) which is another measure of problem gambling developed in the US. The KNODS-2011 was adopted to examine convergent validity of the KCPGI-2011. One common factor was extracted from the exploratory factor analysis using the responses from the preliminary group. This factor explained 97% of the total variance. The correlation between the KNODS- 2011 and the KCPGI-2011 was r=.79 providing a solid evidence of convergent validity of the two Korean versions. To test whether the KCPGI-2011 can be used across gender groups, high and low income groups, and different gambling groups, we conducted psychometric equivalence test, including configural, metric, and scalar invariance testing using the responses from the main group. Multigroup confirmatory factor analysis results revealed that psychometric equivalence was supported between all corresponding groups, which provided a ground that the KCPGI-2011 would be safe to use and to compare individuals’ scores directly in all involved corresponding groups. Results were discussed in relation to the limitation of this study and some directions for further research using this newly constructed index.

; pp.1039-1051

This study was designed to examine the moderating effect of meaning in life in the relationship between life events stress and depression. In this study, meaning in life was classified into personal meaning and spiritual meaning as Mascaro and Rosen (2006) suggested. A total of 210 university students participated by completing Life Stress Scale for College Students, Life Regard Index-Framework, Spiritual Meaning Scale, and Depression Questionnaire. The results revealed that only spiritual meaning, but not personal meaning, moderates the relationship between life events stress and depression. That is, strength of the relationship between stress and depression differs with the level of spiritual meaning. High level of spiritual meaning in life can buffer against the effect of life events stress on depression. Implications and limitations of this study were discussed.

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; pp.1053-1082

The purpose of this study was to develop Korean Gambling Behavior Scale(KGBS)-H for conducting research on problematic gambling. To develop the scale, we identified limitations of the existing scales used in Korea now, and then selected several constructs to be measured by the new scale, integrating theoretical approach and experiential approach. First, we collected items included in the existing gambling addiction scales, 32 behavioral features of gamblers obtained from many sources such as literature review, second handed data of individual interviews with 33 gamblers, and our focus group interviews with counselors, G.A. members and gamblers’ families. Through the item development process, we could get 143 items. Excluding overlapping items, 78 items were used for the preliminary survey of gamblers and undergraduates. And then we selected 53 items for main study through item analysis, item selection, and addition of new items. After the main survey for 581 gamblers, we selected 32 items for H scale. We identified 3 factors through exploratory factor analysis. The factors was labeled as ‘influences of reinforcing factors’, ‘control difficulty’, and ‘preoccupation and damages’. In this process, we found that one item has low correlations with other items, so we decided finally 31 items as the KGBS-H scale. Since the correlations among 3 factors were very high, we proposed a simplex model of gambling behavior. Actually, the model fit of the simplex model was good. In addition, we demonstrated concurrent validity and convergent/discriminant validity of the H scale. Lastly, we discussed the implications and the limitations of this study.

(Univ. of Kansas) pp.1083-1110

The purpose of this Monte Carlo study was to evaluate the performance of the multiple indicators and multiple causes (MIMIC) confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) for detecting differential item functioning (DIF). Specifically, this study compared different application strategies including two conventional testing approaches (forward-inclusion, backward-elimination) and five test statistic values (uncorrected or Bonferroni-corrected LR, △CFI of 0.01 or 0.002, △SRMR of 0.005) across conditions of different item type, test length, sample size, impact, and DIF type and DIF size in a target item and an anchor set. In addition, the author proposed an alternative testing approach (effects-coded backward-elimination) as a potential solution for arbitrary choice of a DIF-free anchor set. Simulation results indicated that when an anchor set was truly biased, only the proposed approach performed adequately under several conditions. False positive rates were controlled at the nominal alpha level (with Bonferroni-corrected LR) or slightly inflated (with uncorrected LR) as the DIF contamination rate in a scale decreased.

; ; ; pp.1111-1128

“Focusing Manner” of the focusing psychotherapy helps people to focus on one’s own felt sense, and to keep easy mind faced with unsolved issues of everyday life. This research aims to Modification develop a Korean Focusing Manner Scale(KFMS) suitable for the Korean context, referencing the Japanese FMS(Focusing Manner Scale) and FMS-R(revision). A survey is conducted using the KFMS, KGHQ(Korean General Health Questionnaire) and SRI(Stress Response Inventory), on a sample of 974 male and female college students in the Seoul. With factor analysis, KFMS have four factors: “Experiential attention and appreciations”, “Experiential acceptance and action taking”, “Experiential awareness” and “Keeping appropriate distance” and shows good internal consistencies. Based on correlation analysis, the criterion -related validity of the KFMS is confirmed. Therefore KFMS is an appropriate test for the measurement of Focusing manners.

; pp.1129-1148

This study investigated the effects of adult attachment styles on the accuracy of emotion awareness from facial expression. For this purpose, the Experience in Close Relationships, Revised (ECR-R) and the Facial Awareness Task were administrated to 247 Korea University undergraduate students (90 males, 157 females). The participants were divided into four attachment styles (secure, preoccupied, dismissing, and fearful) according to their scores of the two dimensions of the ECR-R. On the Facial Awareness Task, the participants were asked to rate intensities of happiness, anger, sadness, disgust, surprise, and fear in the mixed facial expression. The results showed that attachment-related anxiety was negatively associated with the awareness accuracy of anger facial expression, while avoidance was not related to the awareness accuracy. In addition, the group with fearful attachment style recognized anger facial expression more incorrectly than the group with secure attachment style. Implications of these findings and suggestions for future research were discussed.

; pp.1149-1164

This study was conducted to examine the influence of intolerance of uncertainty, perceived control, and cognitive avoidance on worry. The sample consisted of 148 female and 128 male university students who completed the questionnaire about Penn State Worry Questionnare(PSWQ), Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale(IUS), Korean version of Anxiety Control Questionnaire-Revised(KACQ-R), Cognitive Avoidance Questionnaire(CAQ). The following summarizes the results of analysis using structural equation modeling. It was verified that intolerance of uncertainty, perceived control, and cognitive avoidance have a significant influence on worry. Intolerance of uncertainty and perceived control influenced the worry with cognitive avoidance as a mediator. Implications and limitations of this study were discussed along with the suggestions for future research.

; pp.1165-1188

Most of the studies concerning career barriers have been limited to women, students, or employees. This study attempted to develop the scales to measure job-seeking barrier factors for the unemployed people. First, through the in-depth interview with 50 unemployed people, 451 statements of job-seeking barriers were obtained. Based on the classification methods of previous studies and professionals’ advice, 3 large categories and 11 medium categories and 44 small categories were classified. Secondly, the questionnaires composed of 70 job-seeking barrier items and 28 criterion variables items were distributed to vocational schools, search firms and mostly outplacement service center. 250 questionnaires were collected and analyzed. The results of exploratory factor analyses showed that the 10 factor model was most meaningful. These factors were as follows: 1) lack of information search and writing abilities of job applications, 2) company and job market problem, 3) personality․psychological characteristics and attitudes, 4) lack of reemployment support program, 5) lack of career management, 6) absence of external systematic support, 7) difficulties by retaining dignity, 8) difficulties by support of family, 9) lack of preparation for the change, and finally 10) lack of abilities about dealing with job interview. Reliabilities of 10 factors were generally satisfactory. Also the scale was significantly related to all the three criteria, confirming criterion-related validity of the scale. Implications of the results and the direction of future study were discussed.

; ; pp.1189-1211

Face identification ability of Korean observers is impaired when foreign faces are presented to them. This is known as the cross-race effect. The purpose of the paper is to introduce the Korea University Facial Expression Collection (KUFEC), a set fully comprised of Korean models, and to report its emotional rating data. The KUFEC is a useful tool in fields of emotional research because it contains a systematic pictorial collection of six basic emotions and two neutral facial expressions. The semantic differential method was used for the emotional evaluation of the KUFEC stimuli. Responses regarding Pleasure, Arousal, and Dominance were collected for each 392 stimuli looking straight forward. The rating results are included in appendix II.

; pp.1213-1229

The present study investigated the prevalence profile of typical dream themes experienced by Koreans. The Typical Dreams Questionnaire was administered to 500 Korean participants. The results showed that dreams of flying and being chased are most popular. Males reported to have dreams of sexual experience or flying more often than any other kinds of dreams, and females reported to more often have the dreams of loosing teeth or studying. In terms of factors, the dreams of positive themes are most frequently reported. Meanwhile, the greater portion of female's dreams belong to the factors of inhibition and loss of control and the greater portion of male's dreams belong to the factors of magic-myth. These results supported cross-cultural universality of typical dreams and also demonstrated some uniqueness of Koreans' typical dreams.

; pp.1231-1253

The present research is aimed at developing the wisdom scale that is based on korean's wisdom concept and testing its reliability and validity. The purpose of study 1 is to develop a wisdom scale to measure wisdom of Korean people. To do so we selected items necessary for the development of a wisdom scale, integrating theoretical approach and experiential approach. Through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, KMWS was developed. Wisdom was operationalized as a construct with 'cognitive competency', 'moderation and balance', 'positive life attitude', 'sympathetic interpersonal relationship'. The study 2 was conducted to test reliability and validity of the scale. Results indicated that KMWS has excellent reliability(test-retest = .86: Cronbach's Alpha= .90). And wisdom was positively related with life satisfaction(r=.48, p<.01), well-being(r=.65, p<.01), .01), positive emotion experiences(r=.32, p<.01), by contrast wisdom was negatively related with depression(r=-.14, p<.01), negative emotion experiences(r=-.24, p<.01). Results indicated that the KMWS can be considered a reliable and valid instrument in large surveys of Korean populations.


The purpose of this study was to explore the victimized experience of sexually abused children. The study group included the sexually abused children with age between 12 and 15 years old who were experienced either rape or genital contact, and disclosed within 2 years of accidents. I have interviewed them individually and analyzed the data by the consensual qualitative research methods. The results revealed that most of sexually abused children experienced various psychological symptoms. The psychological reaction of accidents at that time included that she thought the sexual behaviour was dirty, thought of escaping that situation, experienced the anger and phobia against the offender, anxiety, fear, sorrow, misery, and painful emotion, and were frozen by the overwhelmed situation. After the accident, she experienced the sorrow, helplessness, fear, and anxiety in terms of emotional area, and the insomnia, nightmare, eating problems, the difficulties in controlling behavior in terms of behavioral area. The intrusive thought about the accident and its re-experience evoked the difficulties in maintaining daily routines. In school, the pain and fear about the rumor were developed through various aspects, which caused the secondary demage, the conflicts with colleagues, change of school, and the drop of learning capability, resulting in the maladaptation in school life. The standpoint of sex displayed the distorted aspects including the wrong view about male, a hatred about sex, an enlarged acquaintance with the other sex, and crippled view of marriage. Moreover, the self concept and coping style of sexually abused children affected the psychological symptoms, and three factors were interacted mutually, which were further affected by the results of accident disclosure and the after-reaction of families. In this study, as the psychological symptom of sexually abused children and its affecting factors was analyzed through her experience, my result have its significance as providing the basis for the psychological intervention.

Korean Journal of Psychology: General