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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

Vol.2 No.3

Euichol Lee(Department of Psychology, Seoul National University) pp.119-131

Hsuen-Tzu, the great ancient Chinese philosopher and the progenitor of the ethical view that men are born evil, saw the human spirit as being linked to the heaven(the nature and differentiated two components of the human spirit namely the emotions representing the man's affective life and the senses representing the intellectual life of human being. There are six affects: like, dislike, happiness, anger, sadness, and joy and five senses visual, auditory, olfactory, taste. and tactile, and it is the mind which controls and holds in balance the emotions and the sense. It is through these five senses that people perceive the world, and they are related to volition as well. The innate part of the human psyche is called disposition. As opposed to the disposition, which Heuen-Tzu considers is natural, the acquired part is called habit and is supposed to be artificaal. The substance of the disposition is emotion which, when aroused, becomes desire. Emotions by nature are blind, but since intellect comes to join emotion when the latter is aroused, human acts become deliberate acts. If a man acts according to the emotion, the act becomes ringed with desires, and he may become aggressive and even violent. The disposition is evil, and therefore it will be false and artificial if someone presents it as if it is good. It happens that it is within man's power to acquire falsehood. Man also can bring into various states, viz, it can be emptied, centered, of be made to stand still. To possess this ability is to be in the state of the Great Clarity. When man reaches this state, he begins to see for the first time the true nature of things and events.

Cho Geung Ho(Department of Psychology, Chonnam National University) pp.132-148

This study was designed to test the hypothesis that the favorableness impression would be integrated according to the adding model and the likableness impression would he integrated according to the averaging model. To test this hypothesis, the number of the adjectives in the adjective sets, which were given to the two groups of subjects-favorableness judgment group and Iikableness judgment group-was varied as 1,2,3, and 4 in each of the 5 levels of adjective-words groups (highly positive, moderately positive, medium, moderately negative and highly negative groups), Each group, one was to rate their impressions according to the good-bad 41 point scale with 0 mid-point (favorableness judgment grout.) and the other was to rate their impressions according to the like-dislike 41 point scale with 0 mid-point (likableness Judgment group), was comprised of 20 persons. As predicted, the imprssions formed by the favorableness judgment group were rnore positive in positive word sets and more negative in negative word sets, and the set size eifects were greater in the farorableness judgment group than in likableness Judgment group. These results were interpreted as supporting the hypothesis of this study, and discussed that the favorableness and likableness impressions of the other were definitely different types of judgment because ego-involvement levels of the judges were different in integrating the favorableness impressions from in integrating likableness impressions.

Hyoun Kab Chang(Department of Psychology, Seoul National University,) ; Jae-Ho Cha(Department of Psychology, Seoul National University,) pp.149-158

The effect of rearing in isolation on later emotionality and social behavior was studied using A strain male mice (Mus Musclus). Twenty-four mice were separated from own litters on the 21st day of life and reared in isolation for 70 days before they were tested for emotionality and social behavior. Another group of 24 mice were separated on the 21st day of life and henceforward reared in pairs before they were tested on the 91st day of life. The mice were observed in two situations, while they were in the observation cage in which they were carried to the open-field test apparatus from home cages and while they were released in the open· field test apparatus. In the brief duration in which the m ice were placed in the observation cage, more of the isolation-reared mice responded with tale-rattling and fewer of them showed running away response than the control group when prodded with a rod, and a greater number of the former animals showed defecation response while being held in the cage than the other group. The isolation reared mice also showed fewer escape response, and more biting response to being picked up by hand. In the open-field situation, the isolation-reared group tended to roam more freely than the group-reard group, but the two did not differ from each other in its approach response to another mouse which was kept in a corner of the test apparatus as a possible instigating stimulus of affiliation response from the subjects. The results generally agree with the findings of other studies that being reared in isolation from other animals early in life heighten emotionality in mature animal. But the fact that the isolated mice showed less tendency to escape from the threatening stimulus and a greater tendency to locomote freely in a novel situation seems to imply that in spite of heightened emotionality, in the case of mice, at least fear is somehow inadequately developed. Lack of fear possibly explains why the isolation-reared mice did not show greater affiliative response despite their early social deprivation experience.

Choon-Jae Lee(Department of Psychology, Seoul National University) pp.159-173

Four different measures obtained through analyses of communications play-thing explanation ratings, play-method explanation ratings, the total number of words used in an explanation attempt, and the ratio of indicatives to total number of words used were taken from subjects ranging in age from kindergarten to sixth grade. The difference on each measure between the blind-folded target the person to whom a subject tried to much on how to play with the experimental plaything and the unblind-folded target was used as a measure of decentering ability. There were a total of 140 subjects, 20 in each age group, of which are half were male. Intercorrelations among the four different measures of decentering ability showed that there are at. least three different factors in the decentering ability as measured through analysis of communications made by children in an attempt to explain to a stranger on how to play with a plaything. One factor centers around the rated play-thing explanation score, the second around the rated play-method explanation score, and the third on the ratio of indicatives to total number of words. Thus it appears that decentering ability is not a unitary concept. Decentering ability as measured by the rated play-thing explanation score increased most rapidly at the sixth grade while that measured on the rated play-method explanation score showed most rapid increase around the first grade. The ratio measure did not increase over the age range.

Sei Chull Oh(Yonsei University) pp.174-179

Two dimensions (power and affection of leadership style are proposed as the basis of identifying the leadership style in the study. Validity indicates the degree to which an instrument measures the construct which is under investigation. "Construct validity is evaluated by investigation of what qualities a test measures, that is, by determining the degree to which certain expIanatory concepts or constructs account for performance on the test"(American Psychological Association, 1966, p. 131. An attempt to validate one's scales by examining a matrix of correlations has been developed by Campbell and Fiske (1959) and is called multitrait-multimethod approach to construct validation, The study presented here attempted to assess the construct validity of the two leadership dimensions mentioned above. Three methods of measuring these dimensions were used (projective method, questionnaire, and behavioral measure) and two constructs were evaluated (power and affection). According to Campbell and Fiske, for relative construct validity, (a) the entries in the validity diagonal should be significantly different from zero and sufficiently large to encourage further examination of validity, (b) a validity diagonal value should be higher than the values lying in its column and row in the heterotrait-heteromethod triangles, (c ) a variable should correlate higher with an independent effort to measure the same trait than with measures designed to get at different traits which happen to employ the same method, (d) the same pattern of trait merrelationship be shown in all of heterotrait riangles of both the monomethod and heteromethod blocks.

Jae-Ho Cha pp.183-189
Sang-Jin Choe pp.190-196

Korean Journal of Psychology: General