The purpose of this study is to develop a test tool that can be measured in various aspects for the reading attitudes of children. For that it was set the configuration based on the preceding reading attitude survey and models and tacit knowledge of attitude toward reading and wrote the questions for reading attitudes. It conducted a primary and secondary test for elementary school students in grades 4-6 to verify the validity and reliability of measurement tools. 8 factors of the reading attitudes measurement tool were extracted through exploratory factor analysis and it described 66.29% of total variable. the r-value for inter-item consistency about reading attitudes were above 0.4 on all questions. The Cronbach α-value of reliability coefficient about reading attitudes measurement tool was 0.950. Therefore Reading attitude test tool have reading usefulness, reading efficacy, leisure, stiumulation, flow, expression, study, assertiveness as sub factors of reading attitude has been shown that it can serve as a useful tool for measuring various aspects of the reading attitude for children.
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