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메뉴ISSN : 1229-0688
본 연구는 내현적 대인반응 척도를 개발하고 그 타당도를 검증하고자 하였다. 이를 위해서 대인지각, 대인감정, 대인소망의 세 부분으로 이루어진 내현적 대인반응 척도의 예비척도를 제작하여 743명의 대학생들에게 실시하고 요인분석한 결과, 대인지각에서는 10개의 요인구조, 대인감정에서는 8개의 요인구조, 대인소망에서는 9개의 요인구조가 발견되었다. 대인지각, 대인감정, 대인소망의 각각의 요인들에 대해 신뢰도를 구한 결과 높은 내적 일치도를 보였다. 또 대인관계문제검사, 사회공포증, 편집증 척도들과 내현적 대인반응 척도와의 관계를 분석한 결과 갈등관계에서의 대인지각, 대인감정, 대인소망의 차이가 대인관계문제, 사회공포증, 편집증의 특성들을 잘 반영해주는 것으로 나타나 내현적 대인반응척도가 신뢰할 만한 타당도를 지니고 있는 것으로 평가되었다. 아울러 본 연구에서 개발한 내현적 대인반응 척도의 활용방안과 연구의 한계점 등에 대해서 논의하였다.
The aim of the present study is to develop The Covert Interpersonal Reaction Inventory and examine its validation. The Covert Interpersonal Reaction Inventory which is consists of interpersonal perception, interpersonal feeling and interpersonal wish was formed and administered to 754 University and College students. Factor analysis on the interpersonal perception indicated that 10 factor structure is most meaningful. 8 factors were discovered in interpersonal feeling scale. And 9 factors were discovered in interpersonal wish scale. The Covert Interpersonal Reaction Inventory showed high level of internal consistency. Correlation analysis on the Covert Interpersonal Reaction Inventory and KIIP-SC, K-SAD, Paranoia scale indicates that the difference in the interpersonal perception, interpersonal feeling and interpersonal wish of conflictual relation reflected the characteristics of interpersonal problems, social phobia and paranoia. The validity of the Covert Interpersonal Reaction Inventory was found to be satisfactory. In addition, the practical use of The Covert Interpersonal Reaction Inventory and the limitation of this study were discussed.
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The aim of the present study is to develop The Covert Interpersonal Reaction Inventory and examine its validation The Covert Interpersonal Reaction Inventory which is consists of interpersonal perception interpersonal feeling and interpersonal wish was formed and administered to 754 University and College students Factor analysis on the interpersonal perception indicated that 10 factor structure is most meaningful 8 factors were discovered in interpersonal feeling scale And 9 factors were discovered in interpersonal wish scale,