open access
ISSN : 1229-0688
대한 대상(낮은 비행경험, 높은 비행경험), 집단(훈련 집단, 통제 집단), 및 검사시기(훈련 전, 훈련 후) 별 사회적 문제해결 척도 점수의 평균 및 표준편차가 표 2에 제시되어 있다.표 2의 자료를 대상×집단×검사시기의 2×2×2 혼합모형 삼원 변량 분석한 결과, ‘긍정적 문제지향’요인에서 집단 간 주 효과가 유의하여서(F(1,201) = 11.39, p<.001) 훈련 집단의 점수가 통제 집단보다 높음을 알 수 있다.표 1. 사회적 문제해결 척도의 하위 요인별 평균, 표준편차 및 신뢰도요 인평균문항 수Cronbach' α긍정적 문제지향2.34(0.77)50.71부정적 문제지향1.65(0.72)110.84합리적 문제해결2.10(0.66)220.93충동/부주의1.55(0.89)30.64회피적 대처1.39(0.75)80.81‘부정적 문제지향’요인에서는 집단×시기 상호작용만 유의한 것으로 나타났으며(F(1,197) = 7.50, p<.01), 단순 주 효과 분석 결과 사후 검사에서의 집단 간 차이(F(1,197) = 7.45, p<.01)와 훈련 집단에서의 사전 사후검사 간 차이(F(1,197) = 6.39, p<.01)가 유의하였다. 즉 표 2. 대상, 집단, 검사시기별 사회적 문제해결 척도 점수의 평균과 표준편차
This study assessed the effectiveness of a social problem-solving training program for adolescents. Sixty six delinquent adolescents and 139non-delinquent adolescents were divided into two groups. Each participant in the experimental group attended a problem-solving training program once a week for 12-16 weeks. Social-problem solving attitudes (measured by the Social Problem Solving Inventory; SPSI), abilities (Means-Ends Problem Solving; MEPS), depression (Beck Depression Inventory), anxiety (State Trait Anxiety Inventory STAI) and self esteem (Self Esteem Scale SES) were assessed with each participant at both the beginning and end of the training program. Results revealed a significant improvement in two social problem-solving attitudes measured by the SPSI, all social problem-solving abilities assessed by the MEPS, scores on the SES and BDI for both delinquent and non-delinquent adolescents. In sum, it is suggested that a social problem-solving training program can be a useful intervention toward preventing and correcting adolescents' delinquent behaviors.
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The Korean Journal of Counseling and Psychotherapy,
The Effects of a Social Problem-Solving Training,
Institute of Social Science, Daegu Universit
This study assessed the effectiveness of a social problem-solving training program for adolescents Sixty six delinquent adolescents and 139non-delinquent adolescents were divided into two groups Each participant in the experimental group attended a problem-solving training program once a week for 12-16 weeks measured by the Social Problem Solving Inventory were assessed with each p, depression Beck Depression Inventory