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ISSN : 1229-0688
Hatfield, Cacioppo, and Rapson(1992, 1994) suggested that the emotional contagion is a special sensitivity in which people unintentionally “catch” emotions from exposure to others' behavior. This study was aimed to validate the Korean version of the Emotional Contagion Scale which was originally developed by Doherty(1997). Exploratory factor analysis was conducted on responses from 200 college students in Seoul, Incheon, Gyeonggi. The result showed that two factor structure consisting of positive and negative emotional contagion fitted to the data well. The scale having 10 items showed high item-total correlation and internal consistency reliability of .83. Additionally confirmatory factor analysis was employed on the data from 371 college students in Seoul, Incheon, Gyeonggi in order to evaluate the construct validity. Result exhibited that the two-factor solution was acceptable. Correlations analysis was conducted among emotional contagion, emotional empathy, self-esteem showing significant positive correlation. Finally, the limitations and suggestions of the study are discussed.
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