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A Study on Developing a Charter of Library Service and a Library Code of Conduct

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2012, v.43 no.2, pp.293-315


Recently there have been an increase in number of new library buildings and its users due to the demand of lifelong learning and cultural experiences of the local community and also the extension to their opening hours. At the same time there have been a growing number of problem users in local libraries. This seems closely associated with an increase in number of unemployment rates and their mental health issue. This causes a great challenge to the local libraries. in particular, to the front-line librarians. If these challenges are not dealt appropriately at all levels within the library organization the overall quality of services is likely to degrade leaving the general users dissatisfied and the staff adversely affected. Therefore in this study we propose a charter of library service and a library code of conduct to meet the aforementioned challenges and enhance the overall quality of library services.

A charter for library service, A library code of conduct, 도서관서비스헌장, 도서관이용서비스헌장, 도서관행정서비스헌장, 도서관 이용규정



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society