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A Study on the Descriptive Analysis for Coordination of the School’s Library-Aided Instruction With the Problem-Based Learning in Korea School Libraries: Focusing on PBL Cases

Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society / Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, (P)2466-2542;
2018, v.49 no.4, pp.167-185


The purpose of this study is to analyse the cases related with PBL and to suggest the activation plan of LAI based on the derived results. The analysis objects were the PBL cases which have been performed from 2000 to 2018 in Korean schools. The PBL cases were analysed in the aspects of school levels, target grades, subject clusters, teaching patterns, information sources, cooperative teaching status, library cooperative teaching status, and educational effects. The results were like these; 1)The PBL was applied at the elementary schools the most, the next middle schools, and high schools. 2)The teaching pattern was the exclusive teaching the most, and the next pattern was team teaching with other teacher, and the lowest pattern was with librarian teacher. 3)The subject cluster was natural science cluster the most and the next was the human & social science cluster and the art, music and physical education cluster. 4)The PBL performed with school library was low. 5)The main effects of PBL were the improvements of academic achievement, learning satisfaction degree, creative ability, problem-solving ability, and self-directed learning capability. As the results, it’s proposed that it’s important for librarian teachers to have the aggressive attitude for the activation of LAI as well as the cooperation with PBL subject teachers from the planning step to the evaluation.

PBL, 문제해결학습, LAI, 도서관협력수업, 학교도서관, 사서교사, 학교사서, PBL, Problem based learning, Library aided instruction, School library, Librarian teacher, School librarian



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Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society