open access
메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
The primary goal of the present research was to test the two major theoritical approaches to prejudice by regians. As a result. Hanamian was most strongly prejudiced by overall people. Regional antagonism between Youngnam and Honam has a different structure. Youngnamian Regional antagonism against Honam was constructed with symbolic prejudice which was acquired through the socialization. Such as 'Unbelivalble' thinking only his distric were belonged to Symbolic antagonosm. Honamian antagnism against Youngnam was constructed with realistic treat which was acquired through the perception of declined financial supprot and any other benefits compared with Youngnam. Regional antagonism strongly affect in 1987 Presidential voting behavior. In American circunstance. only the Symbolic antagonism was correlated with voting behavior, however both of antagonisms were correlated with voting behavior in Korea. In the last presodential election, issue publics, such as refuse of Army governing, was no more determinant in voting behavior Images and Expectations of each cnadidate were main determinants in voting behavior. 'Familiality' was the most important factor for candidates Image and Stability of socrety was the most important expectation to each candidate. This article showed also emperical evidences that failure of unification of opposition Party has caused defeat of election.