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Vol.14 No.1

The Influence of Confucian Work Value on the Job Involvement, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment
Eun-Hee Lee(Chonnam National University) pp.1-25

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship of Confucian work value wish job involvement, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. The subjects were 229 doctors and 428 nurses. An attempt was made to propose a model regarding the relations between Confucian work value and job related variables, and we examined the goodness of fit between theoretical model and empirical data by the method of covariance structure analysis. The result of this analysis revealed that the purposed models were supported by a variety of indicators. More specifically, 5 paths out of 6 paths(Confucian work value → job involvement, Confucian work value → job satisfaction, job involvement → job satisfaction, job involvement → organizational commitment, job satisfaction → organizational commitment) were confirmed, although 1 path among 6 paths(Confucian work value → organizational involvement) were disconfirmed. The present finding suggested the usefulness and effectiveness of Confucian work value in the industrial counseling area, and we discussed the limitations of this study and suggestions for further studies.

Knowledge Structure and Salesperson Performance
Hye-Ryun Kang(Ewha Womans University) ; Il-Ho Choi(Myong Ji University) pp.27-43

The purpose of the study was to compare the knowledge structure among the high, middle and low performance groups of insurance salespeople. The knowledge structure of salespeople were analyzed in terms of categorical knowledge and script knowledge. The number of categories used to classify customers was used to measure the horizontal dimension of categorical knowledge. The script knowledge was examined using 3 dimensions: contingency, distinctiveness and hypotheticality. Research findings can be summarized as follows: Firstly, the higher the level of performance, the higher the scores of overall knowledge structure. Secondly, in the case of categorical knowledge, significant differences were found between high group and middle or low group. On the other hand, the score of script knowledge was higher in the middle and high groups than in the low performance group. Thirdly, analyses of 3 dimensions of script knowledge showed that the scores of contingency and distinctiveness dimensions were higher in the middle and high group than the low performance group. The score of hypotheticality, on the other hand, was higher in the high group than the middle and low performance group. Finally, the study discussed managerial Implications, limitations of the research and suggested several directions for future research.

Four Types of Psychological Contracts: Transactional, Relational, Maintenance, and Developmental Contract
Young-Seok Park(The Catholic University of Korea) ; Ha-Na Yeo(The Catholic University of Korea) pp.45-67

Past work has documented and described two types of psychological contracts: transactional and relational contracts. The latter assumed individual and organization exchange reciprocally psychological obligations and the former assumed exchange material ones. The purpose of this study was co investigate another two types of psychological contracts: Maintenance contracts in which individual's psychological obligations and organization's material ones are exchanged, and developmental contracts in which individual's material obligations and organization's psychological ones are exchanged. In study 1, 42 employees participated in individual interviews about the individual's and organization's obligations they exchange, and four types were founded. In study 2, 421 employees participated in survey questionnaire composed of the individual and organizational characteristics in competing values model(Quinn, 1988) with the obligations they exchange. It was founded that each three types of contracts except the transactional contract had significant relationships compare to ocher contracts in some characteristics of the management model: The relational contracts had mote characteristics of the clan culture, the effectiveness of human resource development and morale, and affiliation motivations of the human relation model, and the maintenance contracts had more of the hierarchy culture and the hierarchical information processing of the internal process model, and the developmental contracts had more of the adhocracy culture, the broker and innovator role of leadership, the growth and resource acquisition of effectiveness, and the developmental information processing of the open system model. The expected antecedents characteristics and the relative effectiveness of four types of psychological contract were discussed.

Compatibility Effects in Predictive Judgments of Performance
Jong-Goo Lee(Taegu University) pp.69-76

The purpose of this study was to examine the hypothesis that the weight of a input attribute is enhanced by its compatibility with the response scale(mode). In each experimental condition, the weight of a input attribute in predictive judgments of performance was greater when it matches the response scale than when it does not. Some possible limits of the present study were discussed.

Test and Extension of Techonology Acceptance Model on Electronic Commerce
Myoung-So Kim(Hoseo University) ; Hwa-Jung Seo(Hoseo University) pp.77-100

Recently, the number of web users is increasing very rapidly, and understanding the consumer behavior on electronic commerce becomes an important issue. The object of the present study is fourfold: (1) to test the Technology Acceptance Model(Davis, 1989) in the e-commerce environment, which explains attitude toward system use and intention of using the system in terms of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use, (2) to propose and test the E-commerce Acceptance Model which includes 'perceived anxiety' variable in addition to the two variables (3) to explore external variables which affect perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and perceived anxiety (4) to compare e-commerce users with non-users in this model. 911 web users participated in both off-line and on-line surveys. The results of this study support the Technology Acceptance Model applied in e-commerce environment. They also demonstrate that perceived anxiety relates to the attitude toward e-commerce and intention of using e-commerce, which results in supporting the validity of the E-commerce Acceptance Model proposed in this study. The theoretical as well as practical implications of these findings, limitations of this study, and the direction of future research are discussed.

A Comparative Study of Validity of Biographical Data Weighting Methods by Sample Size
Dong-Gun Park(Korea University) ; In-Sik Chon(Korea University) pp.101-113

The purpose of this research was to examine the validity of empirical scaling methods and factor scaling methods of biographical items. 154 biographical items were administered to 4813 insurance salespersons. The subjects were divided into three groups: large(4118 salespersons), middle(835), and small(393) group. For each group, empirical scaling methods (unit weighting, regression weighting, WAB, Stokes and correlation coefficient) and factor scaling methods (unit weighting, regression weighting) were employed to examine the variation of the validity coefficients. The results revealed that the larger the sample, the more stable the cross-validation. It was also found that in large groups, empirical scaling methods (unit weighting, WAB, Stokes, correlation coefficient) and factor scaling methods (unit weighting) showed stable validity in crass-validation. The regression weighting, however, showed meaningful decreases in validity when cross-validated for both the empirical scaling method and the factor scaling method. Nevertheless, the regression weighting was more valid than the other weighting methods for the development of empirical scaling and for the cross validation sample. Furthermore, there is no statistically significant variation with respect to the size of validity coefficient in the developing samples for the three groups. Because regression weighting is more easily available than any other weighting method, it should be considered to use the regression weighting method for future research. Lastly, the limitations of this study and future research directions were discussed.

The relationship between the quality of service recovery processes and customer satisfaction
Won-Seob Kwak(Hoseo University) ; Jong-Goo Lee(Taegu University) pp.115-126

The main objective of this study was to verify causal relationship between quality of service recovery processes and customer satisfaction. In total, 808 customer(insurant) participated in the survey. An exploratory common factor analysis was performed to verify factor structure of 12 items that were supposed to measure the quality of service recovery processes. The results showed that there are three service recovery quality factors: Interaction, Results, and Procedure. To identify the relationship between customer satisfaction and its antecedents, the multiple regression analysis was performed. The results showed that customer satisfaction was directly affected by three quality factors. The covariance structure analysis was conducted to testify the structural relationship among three service recovery quality factors, customer satisfaction, and its effects. The results revealed that the proposed hypothetical model was well-fitted to the data. The implication, some possible limits, and the future directions of the present research were discussed.
