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Vol.4 No.1

A Model Testing Study on the Job stress and Organizational outcomes
Chong-Mok Lee(Chonnam National University) ; Dae-Hyun Song(Chonnam National University) ; Han-Kee Park(Chonnam National University) ; Byong-Il Song(Chonnam National University) pp.1-21

This study attempted a comprehensive understanding of job stress and various relevant factors. 596 white-coller workers answered the questionare designed of this research. Major stress factors are such a salaries, unpleasant enviornment, decision-making and responsibility, boundary-spanning roles. Overall males seem to suffer stress more than females. Males experience greater stress more than feamales on decision-making and responsibility, enviornment, salareies, role conflict and role ambiguity factor. They have some social supporters to whom they turn under stress, and depression-related symptoms are the most common strain white-collar workeis experience. A proposed model was tested by the method of covariance structure analysis to see the goodness of fit between the model and empirical data. The model contained six theoretical constructs. Among them, four constructs, job stress, social supprot, personality, and locus of control, were regared as exogenous factors. The other four constructs, psychological strain, physical strain, job performance, and job satisfaction, were treated as endogenous factors. The paths out of 13 in the model were confirmed by the analysis. The confirmed paths are 「job stress→psychological strain」,「job stress→job performance」, 「job stress→job satisfaction」,「social supprot→psychological strain」, 「personality→job performance」, 「locus of control→psychological strain」,「psychological strain→physical strain」, 「psychological strain→job performance」, 「psychological strain→job satifaction」「job performance-job satisfaction」. Disscusion emphasized the need for better scale of measureing stress level and moderate variables.

Determinants of Employee Perceptions of Equitable Treatment
Sea-Young Park(Chonbuk National University) pp.22-44

Although the concept of relevance of inputs and outcomes plays a central role in equity theory, it has not been clearly defined. This article attempts to answer the question of which inputs and outcomes are taken into account in perceptions of equitable treatment. Equity theory posits that an individual perceives equity or inequity in a work situation on the basis of organizational fairness. This research examines the factor structure of Organizational Fairness Questionnaire and Pay Satisfaction Questionnaire. Job satisfaction is important to individual's goal as well as job motivation and job performance. In this perspectives, this research explores the relationship between perceptions of equity and job satisfaction. Employee perceptions of equitable treatment were found to be stronger predictors of pay and job satisfaction variables.

The distribution of GATB and Vocational Interest Test in the sex, age, job, position, and scholarship of the staffs of a telephone company
Bong-Sub You(Pusan National University) pp.45-61

The purpose of this article was to report the results which has been obtained from General Aptitude "Test Battery(GATB) and Vocational Interest Test in a telephone company. The intercorrelations of the capacities in the GATB were all significant. The analyzed results of the GATB's capacities in the domains(sex, age, job, position, and scholarship) were as follows: 1 ) In sex, men-staffs were superior women-staffs in the space aptitude : 2) In job and position, all capacities were nonsignificant : 3) In age, young people(twenties, and thirties) were superior to middle-ages(fourties and fifties) in all capacities : and 4) In Scholarship, college or university men were superior to these who finished the junior high school course in the space aptitude and the shape perception, but college or university men were superior to those who completed the high school course in other capacities. The analyzed results of Vocational Interest Test, the interest level of all subjects was middle in 18 domains. At last, the correlation between the language ability of the GATB's capacities and literature of the 6 interest domains was only significant.

Job Involvement and Organizational Commitment : Are they distinct concepts?
Jin-Kook Tak(Sung Kyun Kwan University) pp.62-86

Using a sample of Korean workers, the present study was intended to address the issue of the discriminant validity of measures of job involvement and organizational commitment. First, the LISREL program was used to conduct a confirmatory factor analysis of items from measures of these two variables and to assess relations between a wide variety of variables and the two measures. The results of these analyses indicated that the measures of job involvement and organizational commitment represent distinct constructs. Second, a series of multiple regression analyses were conducted to further understand the difference in constructs between job involvement and organizational commitment. The results of these analyses indicated that the personal variables shared more variance with job involvement than did the situational variables. This was opposite for organizational commitment : the situational variables shared more variance with organizational commitment than did the personal variables. Results of the study are discussed within a context of cross-cultural frame. Generally, many of the findings in this study appear to be explained by a similar logic as has been used to explain the findings for American workers.

Assessing Construct Validity of R-JDI in Korea
Jin-Kook Tak(Sung Kyun Kwan University) ; Ronald G. Downey(Kansas State University) pp.87-94

This study investigated the construct validity of the R-JDI by reanalyzing Tak and Downey's(1988) data with different analyses. Two sets of analyses were conducted to address this issue. First, the confirmatory factor analysis suggested that the original five R-JDI scales were a reasonable fit to the data. A Rasch IRT analysis comparing the Korean item statistics to those from a USA sample indicated a moderate convergence between the two samples. Several items were identified where sample and/or cultural differences led to different estimates of item characteristics.

Prediction of Work Motivation in Electronics and Service Industry
Doug-Woong Hahn(Sung Kyun Kwan University) pp.95-109

The purpose of this study was to extract the important predictors of work motivation in Korean workers. It was hypothesized that the common and the industry-specific factors will contribute to the prediction of worker motivation. Based upon the assumptions which were proposed by Hahn. Hahn, Kim & Sung(1988), 22 construct measures were used as the predictors of worker motivation. Data obtained from 462 workers in an electronics industry and from 214 workers in a hotel service industry were analyzed via the forward stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results showed that the extracted common predictors were loyalty to the organization, group work morale, and the prior performance. The extracted specific predictors were work competence, equity, welfare and role conflicts in the hotel service organization, but only job itself was significant predictor in the electronics company. The results were interpreted as a supportive evidence for the above hypothesis. Finally, implications for the theory, practice, and future research of work motivation in Korean organizational context were discussed.

Conceptualizing and measuring the consumer involvement
Sang-Bin Lee(Chonbuk National University) pp.110-135

In this study, I define involvement is a approach motivating state induced by the interactions of enduring baseline interests for a given stimulus and situation-specific involvement such as that situational saliency, personal relevance, and goal-directed arousal capacity. In this definition, enduring baseline involvement is defined as enduring, ongoing, and basic involvement for a given stimulus, and situation-specific involvement is induced by situation specfically at a given time. This involvement measures is limited in enduring baseline involvement because the operation of situation-specific involvement is not included in this study. 240 female subjects rate 25-item bipolar adjective scale of 7-point for two products(female clothing and toothpaste) identifying each as high and low involvement product in the past studies. The results of this study are that the factors of constructing for products are different and involvement constructing components are more than one, that is, are multidimensional rather than single. By and large, it is that the factors consturcting the enduring baseline involvement are affactive, cognitive, image, and risk. And this studs suggests a involvement measurement scale composed highly factor-loading 13-item bipolar adjectives for each four factors.

The Effects of Consumer's Mood States On Advertising Effects
Chang-Woo Rhee(Sung Kyun Kwan University) pp.136-153

The present study investigated the effect of consumer's mood states on the information processing of advertisement with data from college student. Especially, it was examined if consumer's mood both at the information encoding period and at the information retrieval period differently affect the information processing of advertisement. First, experiment 1 examined the effect of induced mood at the information encoding period on the information processing. The was more positive judgement on a given product under the positive mood condition than under the negative mood condition. At experiment 2 the neutral mood condition was added and two types of advertisement(positive vs. negative) were also presented. When advertisement type was positive subjects made more positive judgement on the product under the positive mood condition than under the other mood conditions. Experiment 3 examined the effect of subjects mood at the information retrieval period on the information processing. The results showed that the subject mood at the information retrieval period affected none of the several dependent variables(judgement, recall). Experiment 4(4a, 4b) investigated the effects of induce mood at both periods(encoding and retrieval) of information processing advertisement types, and time lag(ⓐ 1 day (4-a) and ⓑ 1 week(4-b)) on information processing. There was a significant effect of induced mood at the information encoding period. However, no significant effect was found at the information retrieval period in both delay conditions. These results suggest that consumer's mood at the information encoding period has a greater, effect on the information processing of advertisement than consumer's mood at the information retrieval period.

Student Life Satisfaction : Components and Predictors
Joon-Gon Kim(Hyosung Women's University) ; Han-Gee Seong(Hyosung Women's University) ; Chun-Whue Lee(Hyosung Women's University) ; Kyung-Ja Park(Hyosung Women's University) pp.154-167

Components and predictors of college student life satisfaction were attempted to identify. A questionnaire consists of 63 items with 5 point rating scale was administered to each of 830 female students and then 14 satisfaction factors were proved by factor analysis. Mean of 14 factor satisfaction scores significantly correlated with overall satisfaction score and these two criteria correlated with such factors as strife against college, confidence to college, happiness, and mental health. To find out predictors of student life satisfaction, a multiple regression analysis was performed and resulted that 7 factors of the 22 factors(14 satisfaction factors and 8 personal factors) significantly influenced on overall satisfaction. In addition, factors relating identification with college were investigated. Of the 21 satisfaction and personal factors, each of 19 factors correlated with identification with college and 10 factors significantly contributed to prediction of identification.

An Implicit Theory of Ideal Leadership and Its Relationships to Cultural Values and Demographic Variables
Se-Hee Hong(Korea AirForce Academy) pp.168-183

The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether or not cultural values(power distance, uncertainty avoidance) and demographic variables(nationality, gender, education level, work experience) are the determinants of personal implicit theory of ideal leadership. For a cross-cultural research, 227 Koreans and 143 Americans were surveyed. The present study has three research hypotheses : First, the demographic variables would influence the cultural values. Second, the demographic variables would influence a personal implicit theory of ideal leadership. Third, the cultural values, nationality and gender would influence a personal implicit theory of ideal leadership. The results showed that 1) an ideal leadership is different from culture to culture because culture, through the process of socialization, shape expectations and judgements about appropriate behaviors of leaders, and 2) within a culture, an implicit theory of ideal leadership is also different depending on an individual background. The present study developed measures for cultural values and an implicit theory of ideal leadership. The reliability coefficients were approximately .80.
