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Vol.8 No.1

Challenges for Personnel Practices : Better Accommodation of Women Work Force
Hye-Ryun Kang(Ewha Womans University) pp.1-14

The status of women work force has not substantially changed even though structural changes in the population and the economy are accompanied by increases in the demand for women. This study attempted to explain the barriers experienced by employed women who have seldom advanced toward managerial positions. Some remedial alternatives are presented to better accommodate women work force including family-responsive polices, career management approaches, and diversified applications of quotas. To obtain fruitful outcomes, organizations need to change traditional personnel practices so as to build a new paradigm.

Bank Service Quality for customer Satisfaction and Organization Factors Predicting Personal Service Performance
Won-Seob Kwak(Ho Seo University) pp.15-31

The purpose of this study was to identify the dimensions of bank service quality based on customer satisfaction and to extract organization factors contributing to the prediction of personal service performance. For this purpose, two studies were conducted. In study I, total 185 customers rated each of 22 items on their perception and expectation in describing service quality. The difference scores between perception and expectation were analyzed by principal component factor analysis. It was found that bank service quality is composed of six dimensions Responsiveness(32.9%), Reliability(70.3%), Empathy(6.8%), Assurance(5.4%), Profitability(4.5%), and Tangibles(4.5%). In study II, it was hypothesized that the performance of personal service will represent the 4 dimension of responsiveness, reliability, empathy, and assurance, and which will be related to organization factors. Based upon this assumptions, 7 factors of organization were used as the predictors of service performance. Data obtained from 217 first line workers in bank were analyzed via the forward stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results showed that the extracted specific predictors were teamwork, role ambiguity, role conflict, employee-job fit, and evaluation-reward system. Finally, the limitation of this study and additional research tasks were discussed.

An approach to the development of new products through the function of sensibility
Kyu-Sik Kwon(Jeonju University) pp.33-50

This study deals with the functional representation of emotion for applying human's sensibility to product development. It means to express human's sensibility to functional words for identifying its role and extracting the design elements in designing product based on human's sensibility. The systematic methods are introduced to categorize the structures of sensibility, senses, qualitative function, and quantitative function by factor analysis and to combine them with the senses by correlation analysis and regression analysis. The results indicate that how to consider the emotion in functional roles aspects and transform it into the physical design elements can be verified. And, it can be applied effectively in designing the new products considered human's sensibility.

A three component conceptualization of Organizational Commitment
Won-Hyung Kim(Korea National Housing Corporation, Research Institute) pp.51-74

The present study first investigated the conceptual discrimination of J.P.Meyer and N.J.Allens(1991) 3-component model of organizational commitment and organizational identification. Responses to the self-administered questionnaire measuring 3-component model of organizational commitment and organizational identification were collected from 513 white-collar workers of the Korean large corporations, and analyzed by an exploratory factor analysis. All items in questionnaire consisted of 7-point Likert-type scales. The existence of 3 facets of Organizational commitment (affective, continuance, and normative) and organizational identification was generally supported by an exploratory factor analysis. The second survey was conducted to confirm the four factor structure from 1,682 white-collar workers of the Korean large national corporations. Using confirmatory factor analysis to compare the one-, three-, and four-component model, affective, continuance, normative commitment and organizational identification also were identified as distinct concepts. Results supported four factor solutions as proposed.

The Life History of Withdrawers
Young-Seok Park(Kolon HRD Center) pp.75-102

The purpose of this study was to examine the life history of withdrawers who quitted their jobs. 285 life history items with MMPI, CPI, and aptitude tests were administrated to 91 employees in 1985 and 295 employees in 1995. 30 factors of the life history items were observed by hierarchical factor analysis of 116 continuous items from the life history items. The mental, psychological, and aptitudinal meaning of the 30 life history factors were interpreted from the correlation between the factors and the subscale scores of MMPI, CPI, and aptitude tests. 10 types of life history were identified by clustering the employees and most of the members of one type named 'Entreprenuer' among 91 employees in 1985 were quitted their jobs within 10 years. There were statistically significant mean differences between withdrawers and others in three among the 30 factors and 23 items among the life history items. The characteristics of life history of people who quitted their jobs, the interaction effects between the life history of employees and the organizational culture on turnover, the practical and theoretical implication of this study, and several suggestions for future research were discussed.

A Study on Traditional Economic Values of Korean
Young-Shin Sung(Department of Psychology, Korea University) ; Chul-Min Kim(Department of Psychology, Korea University) ; Dong-Woo Ko(Department of Psychology, Korea University) pp.103-139

The purposes of this study were to identify traditional values in Korean economic behaviors. For this study, we selected classical novels, 'Heungboojeon', 'Heosaengjeon' and 'Yangbanjeon' that have been popular with Korean since the mid-late Chosun-era. The framework for the content analysis with these literatures consisted of i) material values, ii) human-relation values, and iii) material values in the human relations. i) and iii) among these values refered to economic values. More specifically, the material values constituted beliefs about relationship between mind and material, beliefs about poverty/wealth, and psychological meanings of money. Material values in the human relations dealt with relationships-individual vs. materials, family vs. materials, and social network vs. materials. The result of this study might contribute to understanding Korean economic behaviors in the present. Also it might have implications on the future reseach about economic values and marketing strategies.

Model Development for Measuring Corporate Image
Tae-Yong Yoo(Kwangwoon University) pp.141-159

Yoo(1994) exploratorily extracted five factors(Intellect, Vitality, Dehumanization, Propulsion, and Stability) from trait adjectives describing corporate image. The purpose of this study was to confirm the five factors, and develop a model for measuring the corporate image. For this purpose, first of all, exploratory models were established based on the result of Yoo(1994)'s study. Then a confirmatory factor analysis was performed by LISREL 8 to develop the measurement model for the corporate image. In the step of model development, 395 college students rated the image of Korean five largest corporations(Hyundai, Daewoo, Samsung, Lucky-Goldstar, Sunkyong) using 154 trait adjectives describing corporate image. The result of the confirmatory factor analysis indicated the measurement model consisted of the five factors was well fitted to the data, and the model consisted of 30 trait adjectives(6 trait adjectives per a factor) was the best model. Another confirmatoty factor analysis was conducted to cross-validate the model using 394 college students. Result indicated the model was valid across different samples. Based on the five factor model of the corporate image, the five corporations were compared each other. Results from multiple comparison indicated that Samsung had generally good image in almost all of the five dimensions. The image of Hyundai was the worst in terms of Dehumanization factor. These results were exactly consistent with the previous study(Yoo, 1994). Results from cluster analysis indicated the images of Sunkyong, Daewoo, and Lucky-Goldstar were similar each other, and the images of Samsung and Hyundai were quite different. Lastly the implication and the limitation of this study were discussed. Also additional research tasks were suggested.

Occupational Sex Stereotypes among Korean College Students: Differences based on Sex, Sex-role Type, and culture
Jin Kook Tak(Kwangwoon University) pp.161-174

The purpose of this study was to investigate how strongly Korean college students hold occupational sex stereotypes. Stereotype differences based on sex, sex-role, and culture were also examined. With a 7-pont scale, college students rated the 100 occupations according to the degree persons in these occupations contained masculine or feminine traits. Overall, the most masculine occupation was military soldier and the most femine occupation was nurse. Women had higher scores than men. This suggests that women perceived masculine occupations as having less masculine traits and feminine occupations as having more feminine traits. Stereotype differences were also found within a sex-role type category. Feminine-typed students perceived masculine occupations as having more masculine traits and feminine occupations as having less feminine traits. Finally, Korean college students had stronger occupational sex stereotypes than Americal college students. Especially, Korean college students perceived traditional masculine occupations as having more masculine traits. The plausible reasons of the above results were discussed. The problems with this study and a number of ways to reduce occupational sex stereotypes were also discussed.
