open access
메뉴ISSN : 1229-0696
This study has two purposes. One is to identify generation differences in importance perception of productive ageing. Second is to find relationship between productive ageing and successful ageing. First, we developed 20 items to measure productive activities based on Caro, Bass, & Chen (1993)'s definition. Our items were divided into 4 factors; to do activities for life goals, to do activities for self career development, to do activities for family assistance, and to do volunteering activities. In our research, we found generation differences in importance perception of productive activities for successful ageing. In comparison with the elderly, younger people considered it more important to do activities for life goals, career development, and volunteering in their old age. Productive ageing scale of 20 items newly developed for this study was divided into 4 factors in our confirmatory factor analysis, and the reliability of 4 sub-scales was good. The importance perception of productive ageing was significantly related with subjective wellbeing and life meaning. Even after controlling personality such as extroversions, conscientiousness, and openness, it explained significantly subjective wellbeing and life meaning. Lastly, working elderly and non-working elderly were different in meaning perception about productive ageing. Working elderly considered it important to do activities for life goals.
This research was conducted to verify changes in traffic accident risk level according to driving workload rate and the moderate effect of ego-resilience. Several hypotheses were made by considering previous studies, in which the traffic accident risk level measured according to Traffic Accident Risk Index (TARI) and Driving Behavior Determinants (DBD) differed from the driving workload rate. Furthermore, Ego-resilience was also considered as a human factor, which has the moderate effect between workload and TARI, DBD. A total of 260 drivers participated in the survey. The result of the factor analysis revealed that the DBD questionnaire could be divided into five factors (i.e., Impatient Driving, Situational Inadaptability, Distracted Driving, Drunken Driving, and Speed Driving). In order to verify changes in those behaviors according to driving workload rate, variation analysis was conducted. The results revealed that Impatient Driving, Situational Inadaptability, and Distracted Driving had significant relationships with driving workload rate. Moreover, the moderate effect of Ego-resilience related to Situational Inadaptability was verified by hierarchical regression analysis. We expect that the result of this study could be used to develop countermeasures to excessive driving workload.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of organizational commitment on safety behavior and to explore moderating effect of safety climate between organizational commitment and safety behaviors. 215 workers were asked to respond to the questionnaires that measured various demographic variables, organizational commitment, safety climate and safety behaviors. A hierarchical regression was conducted to identify variables that had significant relationships with safety behaviors and to examine moderating effect of safety climate between organizational commitment and safety behaviors. Results indicated that the emotional commitment significantly predicted both safety compliance and participation behavior and the normative commitment significantly predicted safety compliance behavior. It was found that the safety climate was also a significant predictor for both safety compliance and participation behavior. In addition, safety climate had a moderating effect on the relation between emotional commitment and safety compliance behavior and normative commitment and safety compliance and participation behavior. Based on these results, the implications of this study and suggestions for future research were discussed.
The study delved into the impact of intragroup conflict on turnover intentions and cultural commonalities and differences in job satisfaction that mediates the relationship. To identify correlations among intragroup conflict, job satisfaction and turnover intentions for each Korean and Chinese employee, the study analyzed questionnaires used to survey Korean employees working at Korean companies and Chinese workers in Korean companies based in China. The study divided intragroup conflict into two types - relation conflict and task conflict - and looked into the impact of each conflict on turnover intentions, and found that both types of conflict heightened turnover intentions of both Korean and Chinese workers. The study also attempted to prove the mediating effects of job satisfaction on the relationship between relation conflict and task conflict, and turnover intentions. As a result, mediating effects were found only in the relationship between relation conflict and turnover intentions among Chinese employees, while Korean workers saw the same effects only in the relationship between task conflict and turnover intentions. The above-mentioned results indicate the following implications. Firstly, there were common effects of intragroup conflict on turnover intentions for both Korean and Chinese employees. Such effect can be understood from culture universal perspective. Secondly, differences emerged in the mediating effects of job satisfaction in the relationship between turnover intentions and intra-group conflicts. That is understandable from culture specific perspective. Thirdly, the result that can be inferred from the aforementioned findings is that when it comes to cross-cultural research on methods of management, it is important to consider two types of approaches - culture universal and culture specific approaches. Lastly, the study also indicated that companies operating overseas should seek both localized and global management.
This study investigated the effects of self-assessment accuracy on individual performance. The self-assessment accuracy was defined as the degree of agreement between self- and other-assessments. A total of 158 subjects assessed themselves and others in their groups on the extent to which they actively participate in their group-based task. Following the method of Atwater and Yammarino (1997), subjects were classified into four groups. Individuals assessed as high by self and others, low by self and others, high by self and low by others, and low by self and high by others were categorized as in-agreement/high assessors, in-agreement/low assessors, over-estimators, and under-estimators, respectively. To test the hypothesis that in-agreement/high assessors will show greater performance than in-agreement/low assessors, over-estimators, and under-estimators, one-way ANOVAs and post-hoc analysies were used. The results showed that in-agreement/high assessors showed greater performance (i.e., final record) than in-agreement/low assessors and over-estimators, and so the hypothesis was partially supported. In addition, this study tested the hypotheses that in-agreement/high assessors will show better indices in such individual characteristics as internal locus of control, self-esteem, self-efficacy, conscientiousness, and neuroticism than in-agreement/low assessors, over-estimators, and under-estimators. The results showed that in-agreement/high assessors showed higher self-efficacy and conscientiousness than in-agreement/low assessors, and so the hypotheses were partially supported.
The purpose of this study was to develop the coaching leadership scale and to examine the validity of the scale and the effect of coaching leadership on organizational attitude. 125 preliminary items and 8 factors of the coaching leadership scale were obtained based on contents analyses of relevant articles, focus group interview, executive coach interviews, and open questionnaires. I used an on-line survey to collect data. The initial coaching leadership scale was distributed to 293 employees for the first sample and 200 employees for the second sample. Results of exploratory factor analyses of the scale showed that the four factor solution with 38 items fit the data best. To test the validity of the scale, the questionnaire was distributed to 600 employees who were working in various types of companies. In order to check cross-validity of the scale, the total group was divided into two sub-groups with 300 employees of each group. 4 factors(respect, goal-setting and feedback, changing the view point, and belief of the growth potential of subordinates) with 24 items were obtained based on exploratory factor analyses for the first sub-group. This four-factor solution was supported by an confirmatory factor analysis for the second sub-group. The coaching leadership scale was significantly correlated with various criteria such as self-efficacy and supervisor trust, organizational citizenship, and organizational commitment, confirming criterion related validity of the scale. Finally, the implications and limitations of this study and the directions for the future research were discussed.
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between team members' competitiveness, team commitment and team satisfaction, and also mediating roles of relationship conflict on the relationship between competitiveness and team commitment and satisfaction. Data were gathered from 285 employees. Results of correlational analyses showed that team members' competitiveness was significantly related to both team commitment and team satisfaction. Second, team members' relationship conflict fully mediated the relationship between team members' competitiveness and team commitment and partially mediated the relationship between competitiveness and team satisfaction. Third, verbal aggression and leader's consideration moderated the relationships between team members' competitiveness and relationship conflict. Finally, the implications and limitations of this study and the direction for future research were discussed.
The first purpose of this study was to examine the influence of delegation and perceived organizational support(POS) on organizational identification and contextual performance. And the second purpose was to examine the moderating effect of growth need strength(GNS) on the relationship between delegation and organizational identification, and the moderating effect of dispositional cynicism on the relationship between POS and organizational identification. Data were gathered from 202 employees who were working in various organizations in Korea. To reduce the effect from common method bias, the contextual performance was rated by both self and others(twenty-two peers or supervisors). As results, the delegation and perceived organizational support had positive relationships with organizational identification. and organizational identification had mediating effect on the relationship between predictors(delegation and POS) and self-rating contextual performance. But there was no mediating effect of organizational identification on the relationship between predictors(delegation and POS) and other-rating contextual performance. The growth need strength had moderating effect on th relationship delegation and organizational identification because the relationship was more positive when GNS was high. Also dispositional cynicism had moderating effect on the relationship perceived organizational support and organizational identification because the relationship was more positive when dispositional cynicism was low. Finally, implication of results and future research tasks were discussed with limitations.
The present study aimed to analyse the extent to which Positive Presentation Management influences on factor scores and factor structure of NEO-PI R personality inventory in the context of personnel selection. Subjects of present study are 21,349 applicants who applied for a French public transport organization and filled out NEO-PI R personality inventory during 5 years. Comparisons with French norm showed significant differences in scores of all of five factors: scores of Neuroticism and Openness are lower than French norm (deflation of factor scores) and those of Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness are higher than French norm (inflation of factor scores). Confirmatory factor analysis and Procrustes rotation demonstrated that variations of factor scores due to Positive Presentation Management did not affect 5-dimensional factor structure. From these results, we can conclude that applicants' Positive Presentation Management affect factor scores but does not affect structural validity of NEO-PI R. We further proposed a norm of NEO-PI R scores for individuals in contexts of high-stakes testing.
The purpose of the present study was to examine the fakability of the situational judgment test. Specifically, the study was focused on the following questions; (1) whether participants are able to fake their answers on the situational judgment test in the real situation of selection, (2) whether faking influences the criterion-related validity of the situational judgment test and its incremental validity over cognitive and personality tests, and (3) whether the combination of different scoring key(SME consensus, average in response, and empirical keying) and different scoring algorithm(scenario, Best-Worst, and Pick most) has influence on the degree of fakability as well as both criterion-related validity and incremental validity of the situational judgment test. 110 students who applied to the leadership program were considered the faking group, while 129 students of B department at A university were considered the honest group. The members of both groups completed a cognitive test, a personality questionnaire and a situational judgment test. Only for the situational judgment tests, each group was asked to respond as instructed. Another group of 78 students of A university participated in the survey to develop two scoring key(empirical, average in response keying). SME consensus key was developed by 9 SMEs(5 undergraduate students with leadership and good GPA, 4 graduate students). And then 9 situational judgment scores were produced independently. Results indicated that the all scores of students in the faking group were significantly higher than those of students in the honest group. Furthermore, criterion-related validity of the situational judgement test in the honest group was higher than that of the faking group for both task performance and contextual performance. While faking had negative effects on the criterion-related validity for both criteria of performance, incremental validity of the situational judgement test in the honest group was higher than that of the faking group only for the contextual criteria. Finally, the limitation and future direction of the present study were discussed.