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A Study on the Effects among Psychological Factors, Knowledge Sourcing Behavior and Knowledge Utilization Outcomes in Social Learning Community

Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science / Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, (P)1225-598X; (E)2982-6292
2014, v.48 no.4, pp.267-295

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The purpose of this study is to analyze empirically relationships between learners’ psychological factors, knowledge sourcing behavior and knowledge utilization outcomes and to analyze the mediation effect of social learning and relationships among learners. Another purpose is to understand learners’ attitude on social learning and knowledge sourcing behavior. The main results of this study are as follows: First, regression results on relationships among learners’ psychological factors, knowledge sourcing behavior, knowledge utilization outcomes show that learners’ self-efficacy has a positive effect on social learning activity participation, and goal orientation has a positive influence on group knowledge sourcing and social learning activity participation. Users’ experiences of social media has a positive effect on group knowledge sourcing, social learning activity participation and social learning interaction. From a knowledge utilization perspective, published knowledge sourcing positively affects knowledge reuse, knowledge application and knowledge innovation. Dyadic knowledge sourcing has positive influence on knowledge reuse. Group knowledge sourcing affects positively knowledge application and knowledge innovation. Second, social learning activity participation factor has full mediation effect on relationship between learners’ goal orientation and group knowledge sourcing, and the relationship between users’ experiences of social media and group knowledge sourcing. A relationship among members factor has full mediation effect on the relationship between published knowledge sourcing and knowledge reuse, and relationship between published knowledge sourcing and knowledge innovation. Third, the results of in-depth interview show that learners trust and easily collect knowledge from social network services in general. Also, they get a variety of idea for solving information problem from interaction among members in social learning community.

소셜 러닝, 지식소싱 행태, 지식활용 성과, 상호호혜성, Social Learning, Knowledge Sourcing Behavior, Knowledge Utilization Outcomes, Reciprocity



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Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science