Library and information research is often directed towards either the management of resources (e.g., the economics of resource management), their storage and retrieval (e.g., much information retrieval research), and the users of these resources (the whole area of information behaviour. However, the question that is less often asked is, “What research do librarians want to have carried out to help them in their work?” Clearly, some of the topics just mentioned will fall into the priority areas, but what do librarians actually perceive will be of use to them. There is a notion that a research-practice gap exists in the field and perhaps the reason for that is that researchers do not ask the practioners what research will be of value to them. To find an answer to this question on a global basis would, of course, be impossible – at least impossible without the level of funding that would be difficult to obtain from any source. However, it is possible to carry out research on a national level that could prove useful both to practitioners and to the library and information research community. This was the aim of a project, supported by the Svensk Biblioteksförening (Swedish Library Association), which was carried out in 2008/2009. Ideas on potential research projects were collected from librarians themselves, from discussion group archives and from the professional journals in a number of countries. These ideas were then grouped thematically and formed the basis of two rounds of a Delphi process to solicit the opinions of a panel of librarians in different sectors, recommended by their peers as ‘expert’ in their field. The Delphi process was concluded with a workshop involving a subset of the panel. This paper will report on the results of the investigation, which attracted a great deal of interest within the profession in Sweden, and will also reflect on issues that were ranked lowly in the investigation. For example, not a great deal of priority was given to topics relating to the development and use of technology: why was this? And would the same result be found in other countries? One major area of research interest was into the future of libraries and a topic of relevance here, especially for academic and research libraries, is the changing information behaviour of researchers: what, now, do researchers want of libraries? Clearly, technology is playing a role here, but digitized resources and the World Wide Web may not be the answer to every researcher’s need. Research into libraries and research for libraries ought to figure largely in the profession’s view of its aims, objectives and visions of the future: but for it to do so requires a recognition that the work will not be done unless researchers and practitioners come together to determine how to approach the future.
The value of the university library to faculty, students, and administrators has long been assumed. In an era of decreasing resources and increasing choices, academic librarians must now find the best ways to measure and demonstrate the value of the library to all of their stakeholders, including faculty members, graduate students, undergraduate students, administrators, and funders. Techniques to assess and measure value can also help library decision makers select the products and services that provide the highest return on investment (ROI) to the university community. It is important to measure and convey the value of the academic library; it is also possible to increase the value of the library to the university by carefully refocusing the academic library’s products and services. In this presentation I will discuss methods and results from a recently completed study in eight countries that measured the value and ROI of e-journals to the grants process. The Return on Investment (ROI) of the e-journals collection to grant funding ranged from over 15:1 to just under 1:1 in 9 institutions. In addition, many other qualitative and quantitative measures of value are as important as derived measures like ROI. Building on that research study, I am now leading a team that includes the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) and several university libraries in a project funded by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services. We are collecting data using on the value of a wide range of library services using several methods for measuring the value of what the university library contributes to the institution and its stakeholders.
Library 2.0 advocates a socially rich, multimedia enabled, user originated and communally innovative environment that poses significant opportunities for the libraries to evolve and make themselves even more relevant and significant for her users. This paper presents a case study of the National Library Board of Singapore, in playing a vital role to facilitate the realisation of a long-term key national program, The Singapore Memory (SM) Project. SM embraces the attributes of the Library 2.0 environment to enable the nation’s memory to be collected, organised, preserved, discovered, researched, augmented and created. The output of is an evolving collection of knowledge assets on Singapore along a Singapore Memory Content Continuum of existing content that is steadily augmented with new content. The content will be collected across all formats, in any language, from Singaporeans and non-Singaporeans, from any institution and agency, from Singapore and abroad, and from official and unofficial sources. The utopian scenario of SM Project is that any person, community, group or institution who has ever experienced Singapore in any way or has any material on Singapore will engage actively in the contribution, discovery and creation of content for the project, and thus become advocates to further encourage and catalyse more contribution, discovery and creation. The paper outlines the key approaches, concepts and ideas for the project. An important element is the proliferation, exposure and accessibility of the rich contents envisaged in the project. The SM proliferation plan along with examples of how two existing resources, namely, the Singapore Infopedia, a database of articles on Singapore’s history, culture, people and events and NewspaperSG, an online resource of current and historic Singapore and Malayan newspapers, have been designed are presented to demonstrate how content can be exposed, searched and discovered.
By taking a bottom-up “library in the life of the user” perspective rather than a top-down “user in the life of the library” perspective, this paper uses anecdotal evidence from the past and near present to examine the multiple roles the U.S. public library plays and has played as public space in the everyday lives of its patrons. By harnessing “public sphere ” theory discussed in Jürgen Habermas’s THE STRUCTURAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE PUBLIC SPHERE (1989) and by the examining the rich literatures on civic life and institutions that have evolved from it, the author argues that Library and Information Studies discourse has to expand its scope to include research and analysis of “library as place” from a user’s perspective if it hopes to develop a deeper understanding of what the public library does for means to members of the communities in which they reside.
본 연구는 폭소노미가 비디오 자료를 색인하고 브라우징 하는데 얼마나 유용한지 살펴본 후, 동등어, 동의어 및 관련어를 활용한 질의 확장을 통해서 수행되는 폭소노미 태그 통제가 비디오 검색에 얼마나 효율적인지 조사해 보았다. 이를 위해서, 태그들을 태그 간의 동등 및 연관 관계에 기초하여 클러스터링하고 이러한 정보를 질의 확장에 적용시킨 실험 시스템을 설계, 구현하고 이러한 제안된 시스템이 정보검색 과정에서 폭소노미의 효율성을 얼마나 개선시킬 수 있는지에 대해서 실험을 통해서 확인해 보았다. 실험 결과, 질의 확장을 통해서 태그 통제를 한 제안된 시스템은 태그 통제를 전혀 하지 않은 시스템과 비교하여, 재현율은 증가하였으나 정확률은 전혀 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구 결과는 폭소노미를 디지털 비디오 도서관의 소셜 메타데이터로 적용하기 위한 하나의 방안이 될 것으로 생각된다.
This study designed a pilot system in which queries can be expanded through a tag ontology where equivalent, synonymous, or related tags are bound together, in order to improve the retrieval effectiveness of videos. We evaluated the proposed pilot system by comparing it to a tag-based system without tag control, in terms of recall and precision rates. Our study results showed that the mean recall rate in the structured folksonomy-based system was statistically higher than that in the tag-based system. On the other hand, the mean precision rate in the structured folksonomy-based system was not statistically higher than that in the tag-based system. The result of this study can be utilized as a guide on how to effectively use tags as social metadata of digital video libraries.
Multimedia searching is an important activity on the Web, especially among the younger generation. The purpose of this study aims to examine college students’ multimedia information needs and searching on the Internet. While there is a clear pattern among students with respect to their multimedia uses, searching sources, relevance criteria and searching barriers, some differences exist especially according to searching of different multimedia types such as image, audio and video. For multimedia uses, information/data-focused uses are frequently found in image and video, while the use of audio is mainly for object-focused searches. As multimedia searching sources, audio and video files present a similar pattern of being high in media specific searching sources and low in generic search engines. Browsing through related blogs and homepages is an important part of searching for media files accounting for approximately 20% of total search for each media. The relevance criteria used by study participants when search for image files was primarily concerned with topicality while the contextual and media quality in the audio and video types are also considered important. Searching barriers for audio and video files are categorized into three broad aspects, including access and search quality, preview limitations and collection limitations, while obstacles for image files searching include access difficulties and low qualities of various collection.
In the archival field, the last decade has witnessed much discussion on archives’ broad responsibilities for social memory. Considering that the social role of archives has stemmed from postmodern thinking suggests a paradigm shift from viewing archives as static recorded objects to viewing them as dynamic evidence of human memory. The modern archives and archivists are products of nineteenth-century positivism, limiting their function to archiving written documents within stable organizations. The new thoughts on the social role of archives provide a chance to realize that traditional archival practices have preserved only a sliver of organizational memory, thus ignoring fluid records of human activities and memory. Archival description is the primary method for users to access materials in archives. Thus, it can determine how archival materials will be used (or not used). The traditional archival description works as the representation of archival materials and is directly projected from the hierarchy of organizational documents. This paper argues that archivists will need to redefine archival description to be more sensitive to atypical types of archival materials from various cultural contexts. This paper surveys the postmodern approaches to archival concepts in relation to descriptive practices. It also examines some issues related to representing historically marginalized groups in archival description who were previously neglected in traditional archival practices.
The fusion of learning, information, and technology presents dynamic challenges for all librarians, educators and students in 21st century libraries and schools. At the heart of this fusion is the growth of a pervasive, integrated information environment characterized by vast quantities of digital content, open choice, collaborative and participatory digital spaces, and the transition of the web environments from consumption of information to creation of information. This environment heralds important opportunities for librarians and teachers to rethink, re-imagine and recreate a dynamic approaches to information literacy instruction. Drawing on an extensive body of research undertaken through the Center for International Scholarship in School Libraries (CISSL), and published research on both information literacy and constructivist learning, this paper provides a critical examination of the current status of information literacy: its multiple conceptualizations, competing models, viewpoints, and its operationalizations in educational and library environments. The paper will challenge information literacy practices which center on simplistic, reductionist approaches to information literacy development, and the separation of information process and knowledge content. In particular it will address apparent contradictions in espoused conceptions of information literacy which revolve around “knowledge”: knowledge construction, critical thinking, problem solving and the development of knowledgeable people; and information literacy practices which revolve around “information”: a predominant focus on skills of access and evaluation of resources and with less attention given to engaging with found information to develop deep knowledge and understanding. The paper will present a series of challenges for moving forward with information literacy agendas in libraries and schools.
Assessment of information credibility is a ubiquitous human activity given that people constantly make decisions and selections based on the value of information in a variety of information seeking and use contexts. Today, people are increasingly engaging in diverse online activities beyond searching for and reading information, including activities such as creating, tagging and rating content, shopping, and listening to and watching multimedia content. The Web 2.0 environment presents new challenges for people because the burden of information evaluation is shifted from professional gatekeepers to individual information consumers. At the same time, however, it also provides unprecedented opportunities for people to use tools and features that help them to make informed credibility judgments by relying on other people’s ratings and recommendations. This paper introduces fundamental notions and dimensions of credibility, and contends that credibility assessment can be best understood with respect to human information behavior because it encompasses both the level of effort people exert as well as the heuristics they employ to evaluate information. The paper reports on a survey study investigating people’s credibility judgments with respect to online information, focusing on the constructs, heuristics, and interactions involved in people’s credibility assessment processes within the context of their everyday life information activities. Using an online activity diary method, empirical data about people’s online activities and their associated credibility assessments were collected at multiple points throughout the day for three days. The results indicate that distinct credibility assessment heuristics are emerging as people engage in diverse online activities involving more user-generated and multimedia content. A heuristic approach suggests that people apply mental shortcuts or rules of thumb in order to minimize the amount of cognitive effort and time required to make credibility judgments. The paper discusses why a heuristic approach is key to reaching a more comprehensive understanding of people’s credibility assessments within the information-abundant online environment.
본 연구는 이용자 편의를 목적으로 기존의 DDC 분류를 대체하거나 보완하는 주제어 기반 분류를 적용하고 있는 미국 공공도서관의 사례를 분석하여 그 효과와 문제점을 논의하고, 이러한 시도에 대한 향후 국내에서의 논의에 필요한 시사점을 제시하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 주제어 기반 분류를 사용하는 대표적인 미국 공공도서관 사례 11개를 선정하여 새로운 분류법을 적용하게 된 배경과 과정을 구체적으로 분석하고, 현재 사용되고 있는 주제어 기반 분류의 유형을 구분하여 그 실례를 시행 시기, 시행 이유, 장서 규모, 적용 범위, 적용 과정 등으로 나누어 분석하였다. 이러한 분석의 결과, 주제어 기반 분류는 도서관 이용과 운영면에서 긍정적인 효과를 보이고 있었으나 동시에 여러 가지 한계를 가지고 있다는 결론을 얻게 되었다. 이러한 분석을 바탕으로 향후 국내에서의 논의에 필요한 시사점을 도서관계의 수용성, 국내 여건에 대한 고려, 적절한 유형 선택, 사서의 전문직에 미치는 영향, 주제명표 개발의 필요성, 그리고 이용자 지원의 필요성 등으로 나누어 제안하였다.
This study aims to analyze the word based classification used in U.S. public libraries and their implications for Korean libraries. For this purpose, eleven U.S. public libraries using the word based classification system were selected and the specific classification types, their motivation, collection size, methods used in the conversion from DDC, and pros and cons were examined. The result of the analysis shows that the word based classification system may be categorized into the two types: Dewey-free or Dewey-lite and its application methods are different case by case. As a result, the positive impacts and implied problems of the word based classification system for library use and library operation were examined. In addition, the new system's implications on the Korean libraries were also discussed.
본 연구는 LibraryThing내의 베스트셀러 40권에 대한 태그를 6개월 간격으로 수집하여 폭소노미의 생성과 성장을 분석하였다. 이를 통해 태그의 양적, 질적 성장과 그러한 태그가 갖는 주된 의미와 주제 표현의 활용가능성을 살펴보았다. 본 연구의 결과로 첫째, 이용자 태깅의 동기는 개인의 자료 정리나 검색용도, 욕구의 성취, 감정 표출과 같은 자신을 위한 목적과 타인과 경험을 공유하거나 자신의 행동이 사회에 도움이 되길 바라는 사회성이 강조된 목적으로 구분되며, 사회적 동기가 부여된 태그는 74.12%로 드러났다. 둘째, 시간의 흐름에 따라 전체 태그 수와 이용 빈도수에서 성장세를 보였다. 셋째, 태그의 성장세가 큰 항목은 출판 시기 및 읽은 시기, 장르, 핵심 주제어, 등장인물, 책에 대한 소감 부분이었으며 주제 관련 태그의 비율이 가장 높은 비중을 차지하였다. 넷째, LCSH 중에서 해당 장르, 핵심 주제어, 등장인물이 다수 부여되었으며 시간이 흐르면서 좀 더 세부적인 핵심 주제어와 등장인물이 추가되었고, LCSH와 일치하는 태그의 수도 소폭 상승하였다. 다섯째, 핵심 태그는 해당 시대의 지식을 반영하는 용어 집단으로서 역할을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 앞으로 폭소노미가 형태적인 단점을 극복하고, 내적으로 시맨틱 의미를 찾으며, 일대기를 고려한 유동적인 용어집단으로서 기존의 택소노미와 함께 적극 활용되기 위해서는 태그의 생성부터 양적, 질적 성장까지 전 과정을 지속적으로 모니터링하고 지원해야 할 것이다.
This study analyzed the development and growth of folksonomy by examining tags associated with 40 bestsellers on in 6-month intervals. It was found that tag values do not decrease but grow in terms of quantity and quality. Accordingly, we examined the major significances of the tags and their potential utilization as an expression of subjects. Our findings were as follows. First, the motivations for tagging can be categorized into personal information for search purposes, self-fulfillment such as sense of achievement, display of emotion and sharing of one’s experience with others, or an altruistic objective that emphasizes sociality with a desire that one’s actions might provide social benefits. According to our analysis, 74.12% of tags had a social motivation. Second, the total number of tags and the frequency of usage increased with time. Third, the categories that showed a high increase in tag usage were dates of publication and reading, key words, main characters, and book reviews. Tags related to subjects had the highest ratio. Fourth, among Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH), multiple genres, key words and main characters were assigned to books, and specific key words and other properties were added as time progressed. There was also a slight increase in the number of tags consistent with LCSH. Fifth, we found that key tags could serve as a compilation of terms that reflects the knowledge base of the corresponding era. Thus, folksonomy should be continuously monitored for its quantitative and qualitative development of the tags to make improvements on its formative disadvantages, and identify internal semantic significance, be actively utilized in conjunction with taxonomy as a flexible compilation of terms that incorporate the history of a specific era.
본 연구는 도서관 서비스의 경제적 가치 측정 연구가 최근 국내에 본격적으로 도입되는 시점에서 이러한 연구의 제반 이슈를 이론적, 실제적 관점에서 검토하고 있다. 특히 구체적인 측정과 관련하여 최근의 국내 사례를 통해 각각의 측정 방법의 선택이 연구 결과에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 적시함으로써 향후 보다 신뢰성 있고 타당한 연구설계가 필요함을 보여주고 있다. 구체적으로 측정 대상 서비스의 선택, 조건부가치측정법의 적용, 시간 대비 화폐가치 측정, 이상점의 처리, 대안의 적용, 그리고 추정의 사용과 관련된 측정의 어려움이 제시되었다. 특히 대표적인 최종 지표인 투자회수율, 비용편익비율 수치가 측정 방법의 선택에 따라 매우 가변적임을 역설하였다. 따라서 이를 보완하고 보다 구체적으로 서비스 이용의 가치에 대해 이해할 수 있도록 정량적인 데이터 이외에 정성적인(qualitative) 데이터를 일부 수집할 필요가 있다. 도서관 서비스의 경제성 평가의 결과는 그 자체가 도서관의 가치라고 할 수 없으며 도서관 서비스의 가치를 구체적으로 나타내는 여러 지표 중의 하나이다. 따라서 이 평가 기법의 제한점을 인식하는 동시에 결과를 통해 도서관의 가치에 대해 학습하고 이를 다양한 이해관계자에게 효과적으로 의사소통하는 수단으로 인식할 필요가 있다.
This research examines a number of theoretical and practical issues when measuring the economic value of library services. In particular, using two recent studies conducted in Korea as illustrations, the study shows how various measurement decisions affect the final outcomes in the economic valuation of library services and thus points to the need for a more reliable study design. Specific areas of measurement discussed include the following: scope of measurement, application of CVM(Contingent Valuation Method), time vs. monetary value measurement, dealing with outliers, allowing alternatives, and the use of estimation. ROI(Return on Investment) scores or benefit cost ratios vary significantly according to different measurement choices even in the same study. There is a need for collecting qualitative data that complements the quantitative data typically collected in economic valuation studies. The outcome of economic valuation of library services should be considered as one of many representations of library values. Practitioners and researchers should exercise caution in interpreting those results but be able to leverage them to better communicate the value of library services.
정보통신기술 발전에 따라 인쇄매체로 유통되는 정보자원의 형식이 많은 부분 디지털화 되어 네트워크를 통하여 유통 소비되고 있다. 최근 각 대학도서관에서 집행하는 도서구입비에서 전자자원 구입비가 차지하는 비중과 이용자들의 전자자원에 대한 의존도가 현저히 높아지고 있는 추세이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 ERMS의 모형 제시와 함께 각 단계별로 ERMS가 갖추어야 하는 요소를 확인하였다. 또한 대학도서관 ERMS에 있어서 필요한 기능을 다음과 같이 분석하였다. 첫째, ERMS는 다양한 전자자원에 대한 접근정보, 소장정보, 메타데이터, 이용자서비스 등이 종합적으로 관리되어야 하며 도서관에서 기존에 운영하고 있는 메타검색, 링킹시스템, 프록시서비스 시스템들과의 통합적인 기반으로 운영되어야 한다. 둘째, ERMS는 전자자원의 통합적인 자료조직과 예산관리를 위하여, 대학도서관에서 운영하고 있는 통합도서관시스템의 수서, 목록시스템과의 안정적인 연계시스템으로 구축되어야 한다. 셋째, ERMS는 전자자원이 갖고 있는 라이선스에 관한 정보를 체계적이고 효율적으로 관리할 수 있어야 한다. 넷째 ERMS는 도서관에 모든 전자자원의 이용과 평가, 접속관리를 위한 효율적인 환경을 제공할 수 있어야 하며 전자자원에 있어서 모든 것을 다루는 하나의 유기적인 시스템으로 작동을 해야 한다. 추가적으로 대학도서관에서 ERMS 구축시 인쇄자원관리 위주로 설계된 도서관조직구조 및 사서의 업무분장을 재설계할 필요성과 대학도서관들의 전자자원관리 분야 협력과 표준 마련을 위하여 DLF ERMI 사례와 같은 협의체 구성의 필요성을 제기하였다.
With the rapid growth and development of information technology and the Internet, the amount of information published in electronic formats such as video, audio, digitalized text, etc. and the number of users accessing information online to satisfy their information needs are growing at a tremendous rate. This study analyzes standardized components to construct ERMS and proposes a model of ERMS based on the result of the analysis. The main functions of ERMS in university libraries are: 1) ERMS can manage and control access information to various electronic resources, metadata, holdings, user resources. Also, ERMS can be compatible with an existing library system such as IR(Information Retrieval) system, linking system, or proxy system. 2) ERMS should completely be compatible with acquisition and cataloging systems for effective management and control of integrated information organization and library budget. 3) ERMS should systematically and effectively manage license information on electronic resources. 4) ERMS should provide ideal and effective environment for use and access control of electronic resources in a library and integrated tool to manage and control all of electronic resources. Additionally, this study points out the need to organize committee groups to establish standardized rules and collaborative management of electronic resources among university libraries like DLF ERMI and redesign organizations in a library and a librarian's job description.
1956년에 영국의회가 도서관(이용자 또는 서비스)을 위한 저작자의 권리를 제한하는 방향으로 저작권법을 개정한 이래로 최근 몇 십년간 도서관과 관련된 권리제한은 각국의 저작권법에서 중요한 부분으로 인식되어 왔다. 그 이유는 도서관을 위한 저작권의 제한이 지적 문화유산을 보존하고, 지식정보에 대한 공정한 접근을 촉진하며, 학습 및 연구를 지원하는데 중요한 법적 수단이기 때문이다. 이에 본 연구는 주요 6개국(미국, 영국, 독일, 프랑스, 일본, 한국)을 대상으로 현행 저작권법의 구조 및 도서관관련 권리제한을 비교․분석하였다.
Since the England's Parliament revised the British copyright law and enacted the first copyright exception specifically for libraries (user or service) in 1956, copyright exceptions applicable to libraries have been an important part of world copyright laws through the last few decades. Copyright exceptions for libraries are a critical legal tool to preserve intellectual and cultural heritage, promote equitable access to knowledge and information to the public, and to support learning and research. Based on these reasons, this study analyzed and compared the current state of copyright structure and limitations or exceptions for library in six major countries(United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, and Republic of Korea).
도서관발전종합계획(2009~2013)의 본격적인 시행으로 종합계획의 형성 및 집행에 참여하는 중앙행정기관, 지자체 등 참여대상이 증가하고 정책 환경이 복잡하게 전개되고 있지만, 이러한 상황을 제대로 분석하고 짚어내는 도서관정책 전반에 대한 평가 및 연구는 미흡하였다. 본 연구는 도서관발전종합계획(2009~2013)을 정책형성단계, 정책집행단계, 정책성과단계의 3단계로 나누어 각 정책과정의 요인들이 정책성과에 미치는 영향관계 등을 검증하여 종합계획 시행의 문제점 및 개선방향을 분석하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 이를 위해 도서관발전종합계획(2009~2013)의 정책과정을 평가하기 위한 형성적 평가모형을 설계하고, 도서관정책 전문가 그룹이 참여하는 델파이 조사를 통해 개발된 평가모형을 수정․보완하는 절차를 거쳤다. 그리고 실제 종합계획을 수립․시행중인 도서관정책 관계자를 대상으로 실증적인 평가를 실시한 후, 이 평가결과를 토대로 정책단계별 요인이 정책성과에 미치는 영향관계 등을 실증적으로 분석하였다.
With the full execution of the Comprehensive Library Advancement Plan(2009~2013), related bodies and participants, including national administrative agencies and local government, are increasing and the policy environments are intricately being expanded as well. However, there has been insufficient research on the general aspects of library policies to analyze and evaluate the current circumstances. The objective of this study is to analyze both the problems and suggestions in the areas that need improvements implementing this comprehensive plan. Accordingly, we designed a formative model for evaluating the policy process relating to the comprehensive plan, and then modified and supplemented the developed plan based on the Delphi method utilized by library policy experts. We conducted an empirical evaluation of library policy officials who have established and implemented the comprehensive plan. We then used the evaluation results to assess the effects of the factors regarding the accomplishments reached each policy stage.
This study analyzed the services of libraries for babies and toddlers and the possibilities of service expansion through Bookstart program as a cooperative system for libraries. This study shows how users change their way of using libraries and their perceptions of the services of libraries for toddlers by implementing the questionnaire method and the analysis of library statistics. Results show that most of library users (98.8%) expressed the need for Bookstart program. Respondes also said that libraries, rather than other institutions, should be the place where the program is to be implemented. By analyzing the perceptions of library users, we also find that they think that the age of the first use of a library is more appropriate for toddlers than kindergarten-ages. We also found that library users who participated in a Bookstart program had a positive change in the way they used libraries. After participating in Bookstart programs, many changes occurred with respect to the perception of babies, reading habits of parents, and users’ perception of libraries. After introducing Bookstart program, one city library’s membership enrollment rates of babies and toddlers increased from 7.1% to 26.2%. But the rate for another city that did not participate in the program was shown at 4.3%. This study suggests that the introduction of Bookstart program would bring changes and expansions to the functions of libraries and the sometimes inflexible attitudes of library users. The study examined Bookstart program as a cooperative system for libraries by changing the perception of library users and activating the services of libraries for babies and toddlers.
도서관 불안은 문헌정보학에서 이용자의 정서적 부분에 관한 대표적 연구로 인정 받아왔으며, 많은 도서관 이용자들이 정보이용 과정에서 도서관 불안을 경험하고 있으며 도서관 불안이 정보 활용에 제한요소로 작용하고 있음이 밝혀져 왔다. 오늘날 정보기술의 발전으로 가장 용이하게 접근할 수 있는 디지털도서관 환경은 전통적 도서관의 그것과 매우 달라졌음에도 불구하고 디지털도서관 불안에 관한 연구는 이루어지고 있지 않았다. 이에 본 연구에서는 통계적으로 신뢰성과 타당성을 인정받는 디지털도서관 불안척도(DLAS)를 개발함으로써 디지털도서관 불안의 개념과 하위영역 등을 파악하고 그 특성을 살펴보았다. DLAS는 탐색적 요인분석을 통해 정서적 문제, 자원, 이용지식, 보안, 언어, 기술적 문제, 과제 등 7개의 하위영역과 39문항으로 개발되었으며, 이 7개의 영역은 전체 디지털도서관 불안의 51.165%를 설명하고 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 또한, 인구통계학적 변수와 이용 특성 변수를 사용하여 T검증과 분산분석을 실시함으로써 디지털도서관 불안의 특성을 살펴보고, 일반적 변인과 영향요인을 예측하였다.
Library anxiety has been recognized as one of the representative fields that concerns user's affectivity in library and information study. Considerable library users have been discovered to experience library anxiety according to researches. Although digital libraries are becoming more popular changing drastically from traditional libraries, few studies have addressed the measurement of digital library anxiety(DLA). The purpose of this study is to develop and validate a multidimensional digital library anxiety scale(DLAS) based on previous research in library anxiety and digital libraries. It will become possible to define the construct of DLAS, provide its underlying dimensionalities, and find out how much they explain the construct. Through the exploratory factor analysis, DLAS has been developed with 39 items representing seven distinct factors which were interpreted as affect, resources, know-how, security, language, technology, and task explaining 51.165% of DLA. Also, DLAS' characteristics about demographic variables and use pattern were found through the T-test and ANOVA analysis for each factor.
현재의 정보환경에서, 메타데이터는 정보자원을 기술하고 관리하는데 있어서 강력한 도구로 인식되고 있다. 하지만, 그 적용의 광범위함으로 인해서 그리고 메타데이터가 지닌 복합적인 의미로 인해서 메타데이터가 무엇인지에 대한 명확한 설명이 어렵게 되었다. 이는 메타데이터를 단순한 서지기술이나 서지적 구조와 구분짓는 것을 어렵게 하고 있으며, 이로 인해 메타데이터가 무엇인지에 대한 혼란이 가중되고 있다. 이러한 개념적인 혼란을 없애고 메타데이터가 지닌 의미를 확인하기 위해서, 본 연구에서는 기존의 메타데이터에 대한 정의에 기반하여 도서관계에 적용할 수 있는 메타데이터의 본질적인 개념을 재정립하였다.
In the current information environment around the library community, metadata is recognized as a sophisticated and powerful tool that can manage and represent information resources. However, with the discreet use of the concepts of metadata and metadata standard, there is no clear boundary that differentiates metadata standard from simple resource description and traditional bibliographic structure, leading to confusion as to what a metadata and metadata standard is. To consider these issues, this research discussed what metadata and metadata standards are based previous definitions of metadata. Based on those definitions, the fundamental concept of metadata is reestablished to be properly used in the library community.
본 연구에서는 국내 주요 검색 포털들인 네이버, 네이트, 다음, 야후, 파란, 구글에서 제공하는 멀티미디어 검색 서비스를 메타데이터, 검색 기능, 검색 방법, 부가 기능, 결과 출력 방식 등의 관점에서 비교, 분석하였다. 조사 결과, 모든 포털들이 이미지, 동영상 검색을 제공하는데 비해 음악 검색은 네이버, 네이트, 다음만이 제공하고 있었다. 또한 음악 검색보다는 이미지, 동영상 검색에서 검색 기능이나 부가 서비스의 개발이 보다 활발하게 진행되고 있었다. 네이버, 네이트, 다음은 국외 검색 포털들이 제공하지 않는 다양한 멀티미디어 검색 기능을 개발, 제공하고 있었고, 구글은 다양한 수준의 고급 검색 기능을 제공하고 있었다. 반면, 국내 포털들은 검색 결과에서 매우 제한적인 메타데이터만 제공하고 있었다. 본 연구의 결과는 포털들의 멀티미디어 검색 서비스의 개선에 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
This study aims to perform an evaluation of multimedia search services provided by major Korean search portals: Naver, Nate, Daum, Yahoo-Korea, Paran, and Google-Korea. These multimedia search services are evaluated in terms of the metadata of search results, search functionalities, searching methods, other functionalities, and display options. Every search portal offers image and video searching, whereas only Naver, Nate, and Daum offer music searching. Advanced searching methods and functions are mostly developed and supported in image and video searching rath than music searching. Naver, Nate, and Daum support various searching functions which search portals abroad have not developed. Google-Korea supports advanced searching functions. Search portals provide a limited number of metadata in search results. This study could contribute to the development and improvement of portal's multimedia search services.
이 연구는 공공도서관 디지털자료실을 구성하는 가장 중요한 요소인 정보자원의 유형별 중요성을 파악하고자 한 사례연구이다. 공공도서관의 수적 증가와 함께 디지털 정보원을 매개로 한 정보서비스의 고도화에 있어서도 많은 진전이 있었지만 현재 공공도서관의 디지털 정보자원은 주로 디지털자료실이라는 공간을 중심으로 소극적으로 관리되고 있으며, 디지털 정보원을 활용한 서비스도 활성화 되고 있지 못한 것이 현실이다. 이 연구에서는 그 원인을 콘텐츠에서 찾고자 하였다. 시설투자에 비하여 적정한 규모를 확보하지 못한 정보자원 측면의 문제점을 살펴보고 공공도서관에서 디지털 정보원을 수집, 관리하는데 있어서 기본이 되는 콘텐츠 측면의 요소들에 어떠한 것들이 있는지 파악하고 각각의 중요도를 조사함으로써 향후 공공도서관의 디지털 정보자원 관리를 위한 시사점을 제공하고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 관련 연구와 해외 주요 공공도서관 사례로부터 정보자원에 해당되는 요소들을 추출하였고 이를 바탕으로 전문가 서베이를 거친 후 도출된 정보자원 요소들과 중요도를 조사하여 제안함으로써 향후 공공도서관의 디지털 콘텐츠 구성에 참고가 되고자 하였다.
The purpose of this study is to portray the current condition of digital reading rooms in public libraries in specific terms of information resource constituencies. With the growth in numbers of public libraries in Korea, emphasis was also put on digital information services using digital reading rooms in public libraries. However, it is also recognized that these digital reading rooms are merely traditional reading rooms with equipment. In this regard, the objective for the study was to identify and describe the types of electronic information resources in order to determine the rationale for the development of digital information resource management in public libraries. The focus was especially put on investigating the quality and the degree of perceived importance of electronic resources. Data for this case study was collected from four relatively big public libraries in three cities. The investigation was conducted by the document reviews and surveys and interviews with librarians and patrons. The study found that digital resource management should be put on a new stage, especially in terms of education and reliable information for the regional community. The study also added some suggestions for the future development and refinement of electronic resource management in public libraries.
이 연구는 급증하고 있는 온라인 전자책의 보존을 위하여 최근 개정 및 개정 준비 중인 주요 국가의 온라인 전자출판물 납본과 관련된 법령을 비교․분석하고 이를 기반으로 한국의 온라인 전자책 보존을 위한 납본제도 개선 방향을 제시하고자 한다. 한국의 전자책 보존을 위한 납본제도 개선 방안은 다음 3가지로 요약할 수 있다. 첫째, 온라인 전자책 보존을 위한 납본 대상 자료로서의 전자책의 명확한 개념 정의와 범주 설정이 필요하다. 둘째, 국내 온라인 전자책 제작환경을 고려한 납본 주체의 구체화 및 명료화가 이루어져야 한다. 셋째, 납본 포맷, 납본 부수, 시기, 방식, 보상과 제재조치, 납본자료의 이용과 매체변환과 같은 법률적 조항의 내용 보완이 필요하다.
This research compares and analyzes the legal deposit of national online electronic publishing and related laws that were recently amended in order to preserve the exponentially increasing number of electronic books(e-books). Based on the analysis, it also seeks ways to initiate a legal deposit system of e-books in South Korea. The research, therefore, defines the exact range and types of e-books. This research proposes three conditions to introduce the legal deposit system in order to preserve South Korean e-books. The first is to establish a clear definition and classification of e-books as data subject to legal deposit for preservation purposes. The second condition is to establish a legal system in order to deposit and collect network(online-exclusive) type e-books. The final condition is to reflect the opinion of publishers and to create security measures against any loss of the companies.
현재 공공도서관의 장서평가는 개별 도서관의 장서 이용량, 그리고 상호대차 실적 등의 단순한 데이터로만 평가하고 있다. 그러나 지역단위 도서관내에서의 상호대차를 촉진시키고 장서의 활용도를 높이기 위해서는 장서에 대한 평가도 개별 도서관 단위에서 지역단위 도서관으로 그 범위를 확대할 필요가 있다. 이 연구는 지역단위 도서관 시스템 내 개별 도서관에서 수집할 수 있는 장서, 수서, 대출, 상호대차 신청 데이터를 대상으로 네 가지 분석방법을 통해 지역단위 도서관 시스템에서의 이용 중심적 장서평가 방법을 제안하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 제안한 평가 방법을 적용해본 결과 지역단위 도서관 시스템 내에서 개별 도서관의 입지와 장서 구성의 특성 및 이용자의 요구를 세밀하게 파악할 수 있는 것으로 나타났다.
Currently, collections with public libraries are evaluated only on the basis of simple data, such as the use volume of collections with individual libraries, and interlibrary lending (ILL) results. To promote the ILL of regional libraries and raise the use of collections, however, the evaluation of collections should be expanded from individual libraries to regional libraries. This study aims to propose user-oriented methods for evaluating the library collections within a regional library system by using four kinds of data: collection, acquisition, circulation, and ILL application data. The results of this study show that the proposed method can reveal the positions of each library within a regional library system, and also the characteristics of a library's collections and users' needs more precisely.