open access
메뉴ISSN : 1229-0688
本 研究에서는 相坡者가 遵想行動을 馀断ㆍ分顦하고 效果的인 相拔이나 精神治療環境을 提供할 수 있는 意思決定을 돕는데 적절한 尺度을 開發하는데 있다. 後董를 製作하는데 있어 經驗的 裱近方式을 灞하였으며 缴備 精董給果를 問項別로 想比率, 正常및 障碍 集團間 差異分析잇 要因分析을 通하여 本 愴董間項을 遘定하였다. 本 搶査는 不遒行動을 量的으로 記述可能하고 心理的 連纘蠊上 에서 理解될 수 있으며 比較的 恒常性이 있다는 前提하에 精神症(男, 女), 轉經症(男, 女), 注格障碍의 沴断尺度와 詐痛 및 拃势의 妥富性 尺度등 모두 7個尺度로 中立間項 15個를 포함하여 160儷 問項으로 編成하였다. 各 尺實别로 正常集團과 障碍巢의 反應牢을 포함하여 蚬準表를 作成하였으며 正常과 赚碍의 區分에 참고할 수 있는 基準點을 제시하였다. 基準點은 대체로 尺度別로 正常巢圊의 5%內外가 障碍集團으로 分頮되고 障碍巢團의 70%內外를 選別 할 수 있는 위치로 定하였다. 本 檢査를 鵰成하고 있는 下位尺度閜외 相關은 .01부터 .78까지 다양하나 대체로 낮은편이어서 尺度間의 獨立性이 어느정도 인정된다. 本檢査는 相拔者가 精神的障碍의 有無와 捏度에 대한 一次珍断과 遘別에 有 用하게 便用할 수 있을 것이다.
The purpose of the present research was to make a criteria to classify maladjusted behavior and to make a scale which is proper in discriminating maiadjusted behavior. For this purpose, researcher tried to make the group psychological test which can be used under the present situation of colleges. In this research, obtained the following results. 1. This test consists of 7 scales such as psychosis scales for male and female, neurosis scales for male and females, personality disorder scale, faking bad (malingering) scale, and faking good scale. 2. Psychosis scale for male has 28 items. when we classify the person who obtained above 8 points in this scale into psychosis group, the 69.5% of psychosis group can be discriminated, but the 2.9% of normal persons may be classified into psychosis group. 3. And same way, we classify the person who obtained a certain points in other scale into a certain abnormal group or normal group. Scales and discriminating points were revealed as follows. scale Number of items Point of discrimination Pescentage of sorting Percentage of misjudgement Psychosis male 28 8 69.5 2.9 female 30 11 67.8 3.7 Neurosis male 31 14 96.2 2.9 female 29 16 67.3 2.2 Personality disorder 30 15 75.9 4.4 Faking bad (malingering; 26 9 69.7 2.9 Faking good 22 15 65.3 1.5 4. The test-retest correlation of each scale were .75~.89 respectively, making the high reliability and the correlation between scales were low. But this test has the following limitation ① The predictive validity of this test is insufficient. ② Faking bad group and faking good group were normal boy students with the exception of girl students and operated by examiner with the instruction. ③ Used the juvenile delinquent boys in the reformatory as personality disorder group, they were in the service again and not able to include female group. The above problems should be examined in the further research and follow up research using the other students and maiadjusted groups inorder to elevate the validity this test.