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A Validation Study of Korea Kuder Preference Record(KKPR)


This study tested the validity of Korea Kuder Preference Record(KKPR). The sample consited of 864 juniors and seniors attending Korea University in Seoul, 788 of 864 cases were used in the analysis. A 20-item Major Satisfaction Scale which had been constucted for this study were used as the validity criterion. The range of reliability coefficients(α) of 10 interest areas was .68~.92. Using multiple discriminant analysis, the accuracy of predicting major classification was found to be 44.4%(base probability being 24%), and the accuracy in cross-validation sample 43.9%. Using stepwise multiple regression analysis, the range of correlation coefficients of seven majors between criterion-prediction score and criterion-score was found to be .25~.45, and all was statistically significant. A expectancy table made from the criterion-prediction rate of criterion-prediction score was examined. In this expectancy table, the range of the rate of belong to the satisfaction group was 30%~42% in the lower 25% percentile of the criterion prediction score, 65%~85% in the upper 75 percentile prediction score. With the above results the validity of KKPR was obtained, and the application of KKPR and the limits of the present study were discussed.

